OASIS Transformational Government Framework TC

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  • 1.  RE: [tgf] OASIS TGF PRIMER - DRAFT

    Posted 02-11-2011 01:07
    Colin Just wanted to check one thing - are all your comments in the body of this email, or did you also mean to attach a scanned copy of the document? Chris Parker Managing Partner, CS Transform +44 7951 754060 From: Colin Wallis <Colin.Wallis@dia.govt.nz> Sent: 09 February 2011 01:52 To: 'TGF TC List ' <tgf@lists.oasis-open.org> Subject: RE: [tgf] OASIS TGF PRIMER - DRAFT Greetings all   Notwithstanding Peter's suggestion on line numbers, I've scanned John's comments and have a few general ones of my own.   1) I agree with John's comments except for the dropping of SOA from 'Figure 1'. I don't see anything wrong in presenting the complete figure and explaining bits later (maybe a sentence that says that would be helpful) because you take scan the thing in its entirety.  Maybe should use SOA in full words here though (at least in the main block of the Figure). SOA and EA are pretty critical to the overall success. We have got them the right way round in terms of subset superset have we? (SOA is the superset, and EA the subset..right?..even in a government context?)   2) I find myself wanting to take the introductory (more descriptive) paras out of the Components and putting them in Part 1, with Part1 (by the way, should Part 1 be labelled 'Primer'?). That way, Part 2 becomes very nice and tight - real standards-speak, eh?. But it does mean that the Primer would have to walk the reader though the whole model at a high level using those introductory paras along with some more description, which would then lead into Part 2, where the model is repeated, but just words in a chart form, (i.e. I would re-format the lot, like say, the Principles and the Critical Success Factors are now). So it would read tight and it would look tight.   3) I find myself wanting to change the order and put the Critical Success Factors as Component 2, 'Figure 2' (the 9 factors looks like an add-on to Component 1. You're just trying to get your head around the Principles and you are confronted with 'Figure 2' and then you need to go forward into the doc to get it explained. Then I thought maybe they're not part of the core. Maybe they belong in the Primer and then fleshed out in an Annex. ?but finally dismissed that latter notion, as I see that in Part 3 Conformance, it is in as a MUST, and with good reason..         But all up - looking really good, Chris and Peter. Great work!   Cheers Colin   From: John Borras [mailto:johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: Tuesday, 8 February 2011 5:01 a.m. To: 'TGF TC List ' Subject: RE: [tgf] OASIS TGF PRIMER - DRAFT   All   To help manage the problem of getting Chris? very large draft Primer through the mail systems, and also for those of you who are not comfortable with commenting on the PDF document that I subsequently posted, I?ve split up the Primer into separate Word docs in the attached zip file.  Sorry I can?t do this in open doc format yet.  Please feel free to use whichever method works for you to send comments back to Chris and myself.   I?m also attaching an Issue List for you to log any issues, other than pure textual edits. Please use this to log anything about the TGF not just this version of the Primer.  I?ve attempted to capture into it things that have been raised with me to date but if I?ve missed anything from anybody apologies and please log it now. We?ll review this List at each TC meeting and determine what to do with the issues.  Please post any additions to the list back to me for co-ordination.   Regards John Borras   Chair OASIS TGF Technical Committee   m. +(0)44 7976 157745 Skype:  gov3john   ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ From: John Borras [mailto:johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 07 February 2011 11:02 To: 'Chris Parker'; 'TGF TC List ' Subject: RE: [tgf] OASIS TGF PRIMER - DRAFT   Chris   A number of suggested edits and comments in the attached for consideration.    We have a couple of practical difficulties to address:   -           This is a very large file to handle even as a pdf and assimilating comments is going to be hard.  We cannot use a Word doc format with track changes because of the mail box limitations.  We may have to separate out the Appendices into separate documents for ease of reviewing and posting comments. -           Do you have the bandwidth whilst in Australia to handle the assimilation of comments and production of a fresh version for the TC meeting next week?  If not I will take on that role.  As we come across issues for discussion and agreement then I suggest we set up an Issues register as previously discussed.  Again I?m happy to do that if you don?t have time.   John   From: John Borras [mailto:johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 06 February 2011 12:23 To: 'Chris Parker'; 'TGF TC List ' Subject: RE: [tgf] OASIS TGF PRIMER - DRAFT   Chris   On a first read this is terrific, well done.  I like the whole structure and flow and if we agree to keep all the content in then we would have a very rich Primer to show the world.  I will go through it in more detail now and post detailed comments, as I hope everyone else will.   As you say we need to think really hard about the conformance clauses and no doubt there will be discussion around some of those and perhaps the inclusion of some of the content.    All   It would be good to get initial reactions to this draft very quickly please so we can decide whether to pursue it and provide detailed comments or ask Chris to make fundamental changes.   Agreement on this as the way forward at the TC meeting on 17 th will be a significant step forward.  If anyone would like to have a working call to talk about this draft then let me know and I?ll set it up.      John   From: Chris Parker [mailto:chris.parker@cstransform.com] Sent: 06 February 2011 09:41 To: peter@peterfbrown.com; 'John Borras' Cc: 'TGF TC List ' Subject: RE: [tgf] OASIS Formal procedures for deliverables and our path forward - Today's call and Next Steps   Dear all     Attached is the next draft of the TGF Primer that the group agreed on Friday should be our next step.    As agreed, I have aimed at pulling all the material that seems sensibly part of the top-level standard into a single document.  The document still uses appendices, so it would be easy to split back into a multi-part document if that is what we decide later on.  For the moment, though it?s probably simpler to see the interconnections and to manage a change process around a single document.   I have sought to move away from the original CS Transform material where this seemed to be getting in the way of the TGF (both in terms of structure, and tone of voice).   Changes include:   -        A new intro section, which seeks to position the document: setting out context, defining what we mean by "TG" in the first place, defining the intended audience etc -        Extra material on leadership, governance and stakeholders (reflecting comments from the group) -        Greater prominence to the elements dealing with third parties and intermediary delivery -        A new consistent structure for the four business/customer/channel/technology frameworks -   Some tweaks to the various diagrams (including the top-level TGF diagram) to reflect these changes  -        More detailed Conformance Criteria.   I?ve aimed to make the draft as full as possible, while stripping out the contentious/polemical aspects of the original white paper material.  The key to this I think is the conformance section: are we happy as a group to say that all of the criteria listed here (which, as I say, are more detailed now than in Peter?s original outline) are mandatory parts of any conformant Transformational Government program?  I would certainly argue for all of the criteria.  But if the group as a whole feels some of them are contentious, then we may want also to look at ?downgrading? some of the relevant sections of text out of the core standard and into less formal advisory notes.   The new paper also incorporates the contributions Nig made on the last drafts.  One question which Nig raised however was whether it is right to include "the Concentrix".  My view is that the term itself (which we came up with  in CS Transform when wewere thinking of this as brand for potentially licensable IP) has no place in an open standards document.  But I think that the concept it represents - basically, the idea of brand-led service delivery - is important, and that the three ocmponents it illustrates (citizen insight management, product management and marketing communications) are essential parts of the TGF.  So I have kept the ideas but rewritten the text to make it more neutral and self-explanatory.    I hope that the group feels all this is heading in the right direction.  If so, then the major gap that we will need to fill is the proposed annexes on SOA, and on terminology/reference model.    Chris Parker Managing Partner, CS Transform +44 7951 754060 ==== CAUTION:  This email message and any attachments contain information that may be confidential and may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, disclosure or copying of this message or attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email message in error please notify us immediately and erase all copies of the message and attachments. Thank you. ====

  • 2.  RE: [tgf] OASIS TGF PRIMER - DRAFT

    Posted 02-11-2011 01:35
    All the comments here, sorry.   From: Chris Parker [mailto:chris.parker@cstransform.com] Sent: Friday, 11 February 2011 2:06 p.m. To: Colin Wallis; 'TGF TC List ' Subject: RE: [tgf] OASIS TGF PRIMER - DRAFT   Colin Just wanted to check one thing - are all your comments in the body of this email, or did you also mean to attach a scanned copy of the document? Chris Parker Managing Partner, CS Transform +44 7951 754060 From: Colin Wallis <Colin.Wallis@dia.govt.nz> Sent: 09 February 2011 01:52 To: 'TGF TC List ' <tgf@lists.oasis-open.org> Subject: RE: [tgf] OASIS TGF PRIMER - DRAFT Greetings all   Notwithstanding Peter's suggestion on line numbers, I've scanned John's comments and have a few general ones of my own.   1) I agree with John's comments except for the dropping of SOA from 'Figure 1'. I don't see anything wrong in presenting the complete figure and explaining bits later (maybe a sentence that says that would be helpful) because you take scan the thing in its entirety.  Maybe should use SOA in full words here though (at least in the main block of the Figure). SOA and EA are pretty critical to the overall success. We have got them the right way round in terms of subset superset have we? (SOA is the superset, and EA the subset..right?..even in a government context?)   2) I find myself wanting to take the introductory (more descriptive) paras out of the Components and putting them in Part 1, with Part1 (by the way, should Part 1 be labelled 'Primer'?). That way, Part 2 becomes very nice and tight - real standards-speak, eh?. But it does mean that the Primer would have to walk the reader though the whole model at a high level using those introductory paras along with some more description, which would then lead into Part 2, where the model is repeated, but just words in a chart form, (i.e. I would re-format the lot, like say, the Principles and the Critical Success Factors are now). So it would read tight and it would look tight.   3) I find myself wanting to change the order and put the Critical Success Factors as Component 2, 'Figure 2' (the 9 factors looks like an add-on to Component 1. You're just trying to get your head around the Principles and you are confronted with 'Figure 2' and then you need to go forward into the doc to get it explained. Then I thought maybe they're not part of the core. Maybe they belong in the Primer and then fleshed out in an Annex. …but finally dismissed that latter notion, as I see that in Part 3 Conformance, it is in as a MUST, and with good reason..         But all up - looking really good, Chris and Peter. Great work!   Cheers Colin   From: John Borras [mailto:johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: Tuesday, 8 February 2011 5:01 a.m. To: 'TGF TC List ' Subject: RE: [tgf] OASIS TGF PRIMER - DRAFT   All   To help manage the problem of getting Chris’ very large draft Primer through the mail systems, and also for those of you who are not comfortable with commenting on the PDF document that I subsequently posted, I’ve split up the Primer into separate Word docs in the attached zip file.  Sorry I can’t do this in open doc format yet.  Please feel free to use whichever method works for you to send comments back to Chris and myself.   I’m also attaching an Issue List for you to log any issues, other than pure textual edits. Please use this to log anything about the TGF not just this version of the Primer.  I’ve attempted to capture into it things that have been raised with me to date but if I’ve missed anything from anybody apologies and please log it now. We’ll review this List at each TC meeting and determine what to do with the issues.  Please post any additions to the list back to me for co-ordination.   Regards John Borras   Chair OASIS TGF Technical Committee   m. +(0)44 7976 157745 Skype:  gov3john   ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ From: John Borras [mailto:johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 07 February 2011 11:02 To: 'Chris Parker'; 'TGF TC List ' Subject: RE: [tgf] OASIS TGF PRIMER - DRAFT   Chris   A number of suggested edits and comments in the attached for consideration.    We have a couple of practical difficulties to address:   -           This is a very large file to handle even as a pdf and assimilating comments is going to be hard.  We cannot use a Word doc format with track changes because of the mail box limitations.  We may have to separate out the Appendices into separate documents for ease of reviewing and posting comments. -           Do you have the bandwidth whilst in Australia to handle the assimilation of comments and production of a fresh version for the TC meeting next week?  If not I will take on that role.  As we come across issues for discussion and agreement then I suggest we set up an Issues register as previously discussed.  Again I’m happy to do that if you don’t have time.   John   From: John Borras [mailto:johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 06 February 2011 12:23 To: 'Chris Parker'; 'TGF TC List ' Subject: RE: [tgf] OASIS TGF PRIMER - DRAFT   Chris   On a first read this is terrific, well done.  I like the whole structure and flow and if we agree to keep all the content in then we would have a very rich Primer to show the world.  I will go through it in more detail now and post detailed comments, as I hope everyone else will.   As you say we need to think really hard about the conformance clauses and no doubt there will be discussion around some of those and perhaps the inclusion of some of the content.    All   It would be good to get initial reactions to this draft very quickly please so we can decide whether to pursue it and provide detailed comments or ask Chris to make fundamental changes.   Agreement on this as the way forward at the TC meeting on 17 th will be a significant step forward.  If anyone would like to have a working call to talk about this draft then let me know and I’ll set it up.      John   From: Chris Parker [mailto:chris.parker@cstransform.com] Sent: 06 February 2011 09:41 To: peter@peterfbrown.com; 'John Borras' Cc: 'TGF TC List ' Subject: RE: [tgf] OASIS Formal procedures for deliverables and our path forward - Today's call and Next Steps   Dear all     Attached is the next draft of the TGF Primer that the group agreed on Friday should be our next step.    As agreed, I have aimed at pulling all the material that seems sensibly part of the top-level standard into a single document.  The document still uses appendices, so it would be easy to split back into a multi-part document if that is what we decide later on.  For the moment, though it’s probably simpler to see the interconnections and to manage a change process around a single document.   I have sought to move away from the original CS Transform material where this seemed to be getting in the way of the TGF (both in terms of structure, and tone of voice).   Changes include:   -        A new intro section, which seeks to position the document: setting out context, defining what we mean by "TG" in the first place, defining the intended audience etc -        Extra material on leadership, governance and stakeholders (reflecting comments from the group) -        Greater prominence to the elements dealing with third parties and intermediary delivery -        A new consistent structure for the four business/customer/channel/technology frameworks -   Some tweaks to the various diagrams (including the top-level TGF diagram) to reflect these changes  -        More detailed Conformance Criteria.   I’ve aimed to make the draft as full as possible, while stripping out the contentious/polemical aspects of the original white paper material.  The key to this I think is the conformance section: are we happy as a group to say that all of the criteria listed here (which, as I say, are more detailed now than in Peter’s original outline) are mandatory parts of any conformant Transformational Government program?  I would certainly argue for all of the criteria.  But if the group as a whole feels some of them are contentious, then we may want also to look at “downgrading” some of the relevant sections of text out of the core standard and into less formal advisory notes.   The new paper also incorporates the contributions Nig made on the last drafts.  One question which Nig raised however was whether it is right to include "the Concentrix".  My view is that the term itself (which we came up with  in CS Transform when wewere thinking of this as brand for potentially licensable IP) has no place in an open standards document.  But I think that the concept it represents - basically, the idea of brand-led service delivery - is important, and that the three ocmponents it illustrates (citizen insight management, product management and marketing communications) are essential parts of the TGF.  So I have kept the ideas but rewritten the text to make it more neutral and self-explanatory.    I hope that the group feels all this is heading in the right direction.  If so, then the major gap that we will need to fill is the proposed annexes on SOA, and on terminology/reference model.    Chris Parker Managing Partner, CS Transform +44 7951 754060 ==== CAUTION:  This email message and any attachments contain information that may be confidential and may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, disclosure or copying of this message or attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email message in error please notify us immediately and erase all copies of the message and attachments. Thank you. ==== ==== CAUTION:  This email message and any attachments contain information that may be confidential and may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, disclosure or copying of this message or attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email message in error please notify us immediately and erase all copies of the message and attachments. Thank you. ====