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LRC '03 - International Localisation Standards Convention

  • 1.  LRC '03 - International Localisation Standards Convention

    Posted 09-10-2003 15:35
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    Subject: LRC '03 - International Localisation Standards Convention

    Opportunity to present at the International Localisation Standards Convention, 18 November 2003, Dublin.
    The LRC and TILP can still offer a limited number of speaking slots on day two of LRC '03: The International Localisation Standards Convention. We are particularly interest in speakers presenting the Digital Publishers' and Service Providers' Perspective.
    I have attached an outline programme of the full conference.
    Should you be interested, please send a short email with your full contact details to Reinhard.Schaler@ul.ie now. We will need the proposed title, a one paragraph abstract, and a one paragraph bio following this as soon as possible.


    LRC '03 - The 8th Annual Conference and Showcase for multilingual digital media publishing.

    O'Reilly Hall, Dublin, 17-19 November 2003

    "Where digital media meets localisation"




    LRC 2003 Programme pf5.doc

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