OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDXR) TC

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Minutes of Atlantic BDXR TC call 11 January 2023 16:00UTC

  • 1.  Minutes of Atlantic BDXR TC call 11 January 2023 16:00UTC

    Posted 01-11-2023 18:20
    Minutes of Atlantic BDXR TC call 11 January 2023 16:00UTC http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=2023-01-11T16:00:00 Atlantic: 10:00MSP/11:00Ottawa/16:00UTC/17:00Europe   Participation   Kenneth Bengtsson (chair) Sander Fieten   Pacific call:   Todd Albers Kenneth Bengtsson (chair) Erlend Klakegg Bergheim Kees Duvekot   Standing items   TC Vitality The TC must next appoint or reappoint chair(s) in January 2023. Next TC vitality check must be made in January 2025.   Appointment or re-appointment of Chair(s)   As described in section 1.4 of the OASIS Committee Operations Process ( https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/oasis-committee-operations-process/#chairs ), the TC needs to either appoint or re-appoint TC Chair(s):   Every two years a Committee must re-appoint its chair(s). A call for candidates must be requested through the committee’s general email list inviting candidacy to be posted to that list. Committee members have 7 days after being notified to propose themselves as a candidate. All Committee members are eligible to apply including current and past chairs; no term limits apply. After the 7 Days candidacy period, if seats are contested, a ballot must be run to select the chair(s).   Review of Pacific call minutes https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/bdxr/202301/msg00001.html   Review of Atlantic call minutes https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/bdxr/202212/msg00003.html   Membership status review https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process#membership   Voting status is determined by the following: -    existing voting members must not miss two consecutive meetings to maintain voting status -    non-voting members must attend two consecutive meetings to obtain voting status -    members formally on leave by prior request must not attend and their voting status is not impacted   Current BDXR TC voting member list (alphabetical):   -    Kenneth Bengtsson -    Erlend Klakegg Bergheim -    Kees Duvekot -    Sander Fieten -    Levine Naidoo   AS4 Profile for Four-corner Networks   Agreed to move forward as a candidate OASIS Standard. Statements of Use?   BDXL   Requirement gathering for BDXL 1.1 still in progress. Notes available here: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/bdxr/202205/msg00003.html   discovery through Blockchain   Anything to share?   TC conference call schedule   Face-to-face meeting Invitation to meet in Oslo together with the UBL meeting, for example back-to-back with the Exchange Summit Europe second half of 2022.   Call schedule   2023-02-07/2023-02-08 -    Pacific: 16:00MSP/23:00Europe/17:00Ottawa/22:00UTC/09:00Sydney -    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/11:00Ottawa/16:00UTC/17:00Europe 2023-03-07/2023-03-08 -    Pacific: 16:00MSP/23:00Europe/17:00Ottawa/22:00UTC/09:00Sydney -    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/11:00Ottawa/16:00UTC/17:00Europe 2023-04-04/2023-04-05 -    Pacific: 17:00MSP / 00:00Europe / 18:00Ottawa /22:00UTC/ 08:00Sydney -    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/11:00Ottawa/ 15:00UTC /17:00Europe 2023-05-02/2023-05-03 -    Pacific: 17:00MSP/00:00Europe/18:00Ottawa/22:00UTC/08:00Sydney -    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe 2023-06-06/2023-06-07 -    Pacific: 17:00MSP/00:00Europe/18:00Ottawa/22:00UTC/08:00Sydney -    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe   Other business   As comes forward