OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC

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(GJXDM) Announcing the Operational Release of GJXDM Version 3.0

  • 1.  (GJXDM) Announcing the Operational Release of GJXDM Version 3.0

    Posted 01-22-2004 14:47
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: (GJXDM) Announcing the Operational Release of GJXDM Version 3.0

    Dear fellow TC members:
    By the way, we are planning a developers workshop in Atlanta about the
    second week of May.  Probably 2 days.  More details will be forwarded as
    they are finalized.
    Robin Gibson
    Information Technology Division
    Office of State Courts Administrator
    ----- Forwarded by Robin Gibson/OSCA/Courts/Judicial on 01/22/2004 08:55 AM
                          Sent by:                 To:       gjxdm@ojp.gov                                                                 
                          owner-gjxdm@s1.oj        cc:                                                                                     
                          p.gov                    Subject:  (GJXDM) Announcing the Operational Release of GJXDM Version 3.0               
                          01/21/2004 11:03                                                                                                 
    The Office of Justice Programs (OJP), together with the Global Justice
    Information Sharing Initiative (Global), has released the first operational
    version of the Global Justice Extensible Markup Language (XML) Data Model
    (GJXDM), Version 3.0, to the justice community.
    Developed by Global and OJP, the GJXDM is an object-oriented data model
    comprised of a well-defined vocabulary of approximately 2,500 stable data
    objects, or reusable components, that facilitate the exchange and reuse of
    information from multiple sources and multiple applications.
    Since its first prerelease in April 2003, the GJXDM has undergone an
    intensive review and validation process that included an open public
    comment period, pilot validation projects, an online feedback and
    error-reporting mechanism (Bugzilla), and this GJXDM listserv for sharing
    expertise and support.  As a result, three data dictionary prerelease
    versions evolved that incorporated more than 100 modifications.  Today,
    more than 50 law enforcement and justice-related projects have been
    implemented utilizing the GJXDM prerelease versions, further demonstrating
    the flexibility and stability of the GJXDM.
    For 2004, we are planning to introduce:  new training for the Data Model, a
    content-based search tool for the Data Model, performance testing, and an
    online database that will allow practitioners to post information about
    their application of the GJXDM.  We are excited about the upcoming
    developments and hope that justice professionals like you will stay engaged
    in the evolution of the GJXDM.
    More information on the GJXDM is available at the GJXDM Web site at <a href
    ='http://it.ojp.gov/gjxdm/' target='_blank'>http://it.ojp.gov/gjxdm/</a>.

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