OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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  • 1.  empty rows/cells, etc.

    Posted 10-06-2003 14:55
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: empty rows/cells, etc.

    Hi all,
    I had a look at empty and incomplete table rows; in OOo Writer and Calc, 
    and in Mozilla Browser and Composer. Briefly said, the result is that 
    each application interprets empty and incomplete rows in a way 
    consistent with how the application operates.
    OOo Calc has the typical spreadsheet structure, where the document is a 
    large (sort of infinite) table. Typically, the 'default' table extends 
    significantly beyond the used area, and contains empty cells. Calc (like 
    most spreadsheets) never abandons this table structure. Empty rows in 
    the format introduce a default row (just as in an empty sheet), and 
    incomplete rows are filled with empty cells (just like in an empty sheet).
    All other applications have fixed size tables. Incomplete rows are 
    basically rendered as if they had the necessary number of empty cells; 
    same for empty rows. (Slightly more precise: A real empty cell has the 
    default cell padding, while an implied empty cells doesn't get any 
    padding.) An empty cell in Mozilla Navigator takes up no space, which 
    means that an empty row has no height. In Writer and Mozilla Composer, 
    an empty cell takes up the space of an empty paragraph, so that the user 
    could just click into it and fill the empty cell. So the difference in 
    this case appears not to be between HTML vs OOo format, but more between 
    viewer and editor.
    Well... I don't really have a change proposal, since teh above makes 
    sense to me. I suggest that the spec have clear wording that empty or 
    incomplete rows are allowed.

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