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Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] Definition of "Profile"

  • 1.  Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] Definition of "Profile"

    Posted 12-26-2008 17:05
    Wikipedia offers a pretty good definition of "Profile (engineering)":
    "In standardization, a profile consists of an agreed-upon subset and
    interpretation of a specification. Many complex technical specifications
    have many optional features, such that two conforming implementations
    may not inter-operate due to choosing different sets of optional
    features to support. Even when no formal optional features exist within
    a standard, vendors will often fail to implement (or fail to implement
    correctly) functionality from the standard which they view as
    unimportant. In particular, implementations of standards on mobile
    devices often have significant limitations compared to their traditional
    desktop implementations, even if the standard which governs both permits
    such limitations. Also, some writers of standards sometimes produce
    vague or ambiguous specifications, often unintentionally, but sometimes
    by intention. The use of profiles can enforce one possible
    - Art
    >>> Rex Brooks 

  • 2.  Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] Definition of "Profile"

    Posted 12-29-2008 16:33
    > "In standardization, a profile consists of an agreed-upon subset and
    > interpretation of a specification. Many complex technical specifications
    This definition is very broad and while suitable as a generalization for something like Wikipedia, it is not specific enough to provide direction for a standards technical body.  I think there needs to be some specific criteria outlined that determines what constitutes a "profile" and guidelines for their creation and submission to the TC.
    For instance in the above quoted statement, the term "subset" is used.  Can a CAP profile be a subset of CAP?  If not, then this commonly understood use for a profile needs to be clarified.  If yes, then how is this accomplished?

  • 3.  Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] Definition of "Profile"

    Posted 12-29-2008 16:59
    Regrettably life on the technical frontier is rarely so tidy.  Iif we
    indulge in premature rules about things we don't yet understand, we risk
    inadvertently tying our own hands for later.  And to what end?  It seems
    like we're doing fine in terms of identifying and harmonizing the
    collection of constraints that comprise this Profile.  I suspect by the
    time we're done with the substance we'll find that the form... how to
    document it... is pretty obvious.
    Jacob asks, "Can a CAP profile be a subset of CAP?"  Yes, that's what a
    standard profile is, by the cited definition and by every usage of the
    term I've ever encountered.  It's accomplished by asserting a set of
    constraints and requirements which should or must be met within the
    broader constraints of the CAP spec itself. Thus messages that conform
    to the profile are a subset of all possible CAP messages.   How exactly
    those additional constraints are expressed may vary depending on their
    nature, and I'm not of the belief that the format is of the essence.
    Really, I'd urge us not to fall into the trap of making this more
    complicated than it actually is.
    - Art

  • 4.  Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] Definition of "Profile"

    Posted 12-29-2008 17:59
    > collection of constraints that comprise this Profile.  I suspect by the
    > time we're done with the substance we'll find that the form... 
    I don't think discussing profiles in general will in any way hinder this effort, there is good consensus on the approach so far.  However I don't think it can be assumed that this profile will establish all of the use cases for profiles and so a higher level discussion with some other hypothetical use cases could be useful.  There are a number that I can think of just off the top of my head.
    > Jacob asks, "Can a CAP profile be a subset of CAP?"  Yes, that's what a
    > standard profile is, by the cited definition and by every usage of the
    > term I've ever encountered.  It's accomplished by asserting a set of
    The RSS profile is a good example where there is no "subset" at all, only an "interpretation" of the spec. 
    > constraints and requirements which should or must be met within the
    > broader constraints of the CAP spec itself. Thus messages that conform
    Adding constraints and requirements does not create a subset.  To create a subset, some of the optional and potentially required elements of the CAP spec would have to be dropped in the profile.  Such as Profile X saying an area block can only have areaDesc and polygon elements, nothing else.

  • 5.  Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] Definition of "Profile"

    Posted 12-29-2008 18:30
    >The RSS profile is a good example where there is no "subset" at all,
    only an "interpretation" of the spec. 
    Um... not sure which RSS profile you're talking about.  In any event, I
    think this is really just a difference of interpretation of the term
    >To create a subset, some of the optional and potentially required
    elements of the CAP spec would have to be dropped in the profile.  
    All profile-compliant messages are valid CAP, but not all valid CAP is
    profile-compliant.  In that sense the profile defines a subset of the
    universe of possible CAP messages.  However, "interpretation" is also
    within the working definition.  Not sure what the practical issue is
    - Art

  • 6.  Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] Definition of "Profile"

    Posted 12-29-2008 18:53
    My $0.02:
    Outside of the CAP Canadian Profile, I have not yet found the term 
    defined in a specification document or candidate specification 
    document. Doesn't mean no one has done it, just that I haven't found 
    it yet.
    The CAP/CP definition is minimal. I would only ask us to define 
    "Profile" as part of our Terminology Section if there's a consensus 
    that there is substantive reason to say: "As used in this document..."
    Otherwise, there's no need. Perhaps someday, someone will tackle it, 
    but if we don't need to, in my opinion, we shouldn't.
    At 10:29 AM -0800 12/29/08, Art Botterell wrote:
    >  >The RSS profile is a good example where there is no "subset" at all,
    >only an "interpretation" of the spec.
    >Um... not sure which RSS profile you're talking about.  In any event, I
    >think this is really just a difference of interpretation of the term
    >>To create a subset, some of the optional and potentially required
    >elements of the CAP spec would have to be dropped in the profile. 
    >All profile-compliant messages are valid CAP, but not all valid CAP is
    >profile-compliant.  In that sense the profile defines a subset of the
    >universe of possible CAP messages.  However, "interpretation" is also
    >within the working definition.  Not sure what the practical issue is
    >- Art
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    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670

  • 7.  Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] Definition of "Profile"

    Posted 12-29-2008 19:48
    > Um... not sure which RSS profile you're talking about.  In any event, I
    > universe of possible CAP messages.  However, "interpretation" is also
    > within the working definition.  Not sure what the practical issue is
    > here.
    There are a number of practical issues but the main one being whether the profile results in a new namespace.

  • 8.  Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] Definition of "Profile"

    Posted 12-29-2008 19:51
    >>> Jacob Westfall 

  • 9.  Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] Definition of "Profile"

    Posted 12-29-2008 22:43
    > I think very definitely the answer to that one would be "no."  What
    > else?
    I'm in agreement with this.  However it means the accepted definition of an XML profile, which usually results in a new namespace, does not apply, and that's why a good profile definition is needed.  So following this course of action, to start, some criteria to help define a CAP profile.  Just spit-balling here, please remove/change/add to this list.
    Some things a profile "cannot" do are:
    - establish a new namespace
    - add, make changes, or create subsets of the base CAP schema, its elements, and enumerated/defined values
    - extend a CAP message, in the conventional XML sense, through the use of namespaced schemas

  • 10.  Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] Definition of "Profile"

    Posted 12-29-2008 22:45
    Jacob, what is this "accepted definition of an XML profile" to which you
    - Art
    >>> Jacob Westfall 

  • 11.  Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] Definition of "Profile"

    Posted 12-29-2008 23:33
    > Jacob, what is this "accepted definition of an XML profile" to which you
    > refer?
    Oops thats a typo, it should have been "common understanding".  I have yet to find a definative guide for XML profiles, if anyone has one please let me know.  By understanding I mean the first thing that someone usually mentions when you ask about XML profiles is creating your own custom schema and namespace accordingly.  Everyone has their own definition, but in my search this seems to be the prevailing one.

  • 12.  RE: [emergency-cap-profiles] Definition of "Profile"

    Posted 12-29-2008 19:10
    There is one thing a profile cannot do. It cannot remove required elements
    or make them optional. It can choose to ignore them, but the message must
    still contain them, and they must be interpretable based on the definitions
    of the standard. (Even the NWEM Standard does that.)
    Gary A. Ham
    Grandpa can do IT!

  • 13.  RE: [emergency-cap-profiles] Definition of "Profile"

    Posted 12-29-2008 19:15
    I should have said NWEM profile not standard.
    Gary A. Ham
    Grandpa can do IT!