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More code list questions about NDR, and about genericode

  • 1.  More code list questions about NDR, and about genericode

    Posted 10-11-2005 21:27
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: More code list questions about NDR, and about genericode

    Work is progressing well, but I've hit a snag not realizing naming 
    and design rules about the naming of metadata properties for code 
    list values.  So far it would appear my value checking is working 
    entirely when I don't consider versioning of the code lists.  Then 
    after this is when I trip over NDR questions.
    Take, for example, in Order, the following three information items 
    from UBL 1.0 Order and their associated code list meta data 
    attributes:  @amountCurrencyID (Item 15.2), @quantityUnitCode (Item 
    16.1), and cac:CountrySubentityCode (Item 63):
    15   /po:Order/cbc:LineExtensionTotalAmount
    15.1 /po:Order/cbc:LineExtensionTotalAmount/@amountCurrencyCodeListVersionID
    15.2 /po:Order/cbc:LineExtensionTotalAmount/@amountCurrencyID
    16   /po:Order/po:TotalPackagesQuantity
    16.1 /po:Order/po:TotalPackagesQuantity/@quantityUnitCode
    16.2 /po:Order/po:TotalPackagesQuantity/@quantityUnitCodeListAgencyID
    16.3 /po:Order/po:TotalPackagesQuantity/@quantityUnitCodeListAgencyName
    16.4 /po:Order/po:TotalPackagesQuantity/@quantityUnitCodeListID
    63   /po:Order/cac:BuyerParty/cac:Party/cac:Address/cac:CountrySubentityCode
    My quandary is figuring out the automation of which code list 
    attributes are to be tested for which information items based on codes.
    (1) why does @amountCurrencyID have only 
    @amountCurrencyCodeListVersionID and not others such as 
    (2) why doesn't @quantityUnitCode have 
    @quantityUnitCodeListAgencyName and not others such as 
    (3) why don't the meta data attributes of CountrySubentityCode have 
    any prefix at all and just have "@codeListName"?
    (4) why do I use only "amountCurrency" when prefixing 
    "CodeListVersionID", as contrasted with using "quanityUnit" when 
    prefixing "CodeListAgencyID" ... is the rule I remove the last "ID" 
    or "Code" from the information item name before adding the suffix?
    I've looked in NDR Section 6 of cd-UBL-NDR-1.0Rev1b.pdf under "Code 
    Lists" without any clues to the answers to the above questions.
    And compare UBL meta data with identification fields from a sample 
    genericode file:
           <LongName>ISO 4217 Alpha</LongName>
    I note five identification items in genericode, so I assume I map 
    them as follows:
       genericode ShortName  ==  UBL xxxxxCodeListID
       genericode LongName == UBL xxxxxCodeListName
       genericode Version == UBL xxxxxCodeListVersionID
       genericode CanonicalUri == UBL xxxxxCodeListURI
       genericode CanonicalVersionUri == UBL xxxxxCodeListSchemeURI
    Tony, can you confirm this is all of the version checking that I need 
    to do when using a genericode file to express the values in a UBL instance?
    My methodology has been to respect code list meta data attributes 
    when present, matching them with genericode items when present, and 
    accepting values without checking meta data properties when either a 
    particular meta data attribute is not present or a particular 
    genericode identification field is not present.
    My problem is now down to the naming of the meta data attributes.
    Would the following be acceptable?
    (1) for @xxxxxID remove "ID" and suffix with "Code..." from 
    genericode table above as appropriate
    (2) for @xxxxxCode remove "Code" and suffix with "Code..." from 
    genericode table above as appropriate
    (3) for <xxxxx> suffix with "code..." from genericode table above as 
    Unfortunately, this introduces my need to know if the XPath address 
    given by the user is addressing an element or an attribute (which is 
    not at all straightforward when examining the infinite XPath address 
    syntax for clues).
    Thanks for help with these answers so that I can progress.
    . . . . . . . . . Ken
    World-wide on-site corporate, govt. & user group XML/XSL training.
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