OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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RE: [ubl] Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 11|12 May 2009

  • 1.  RE: [ubl] Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 11|12 May 2009

    Posted 05-13-2009 14:22
    Thank you again for your direction, Mark, but bear with me for some 
    clarification please.  I am unable to read into your concise comments 
    the necessary detail that impacts on my work.
    At 2009-05-13 08:14 -0400, Crawford, Mark wrote:
    >You need to read the UBL and UN/CEFACT NDRs to understand why the 
    >SCs are not present or required in the UDT.  This is a deliberate 
    >action and not a mistake.
    Fine ... and I'm reading [DOC3] in the UBL NDR:  "A datatype 
    definition MAY contain one or more Supplementary Component 
    Restrictions to provide additional information on the relationship 
    between the datatype and its corresponding Core Component Type."
    I cannot find where the UBL NDR document describes any such 
    "deliberate actions" that selectively utilize only some of the 
    supplementary components, or what the choices should or can 
    be.  Choosing or needing to have all supplementary components be in 
    the UDT schema does not appear to conflict with the UBL NDR [DOC3].
    Perhaps the UN/CEFACT NDR for CCTS 2.01 includes such constraints or 
    lists ... could you please cite for me where I can find a copy of the 
    relevant UN/CEFACT NDR document so that I can read up on this?
    >Further, the CCT schema is non-normative and should not be used in 
    >your deliberations.
    I'm not talking in yesterday's post about the CCT schema, I'm talking 
    about the UDT schema.  There are two schemas in the UBL XSD common 
    directory, CCTS_CCT_SchemaModule-2.0.xsd and 
    UnqualifiedDataTypeSchemaModule-2.0.xsd, and I'm not speaking of 
    Finding a close-to-suitable UDT schema fragment in "08B" is a bonus 
    to my work on the committee.  As active users of the UN/CEFACT CCTS 
    2.01 work products, I'm hoping our feedback will be well received and 
    considered for future releases of this schema fragment.
    I look forward to your continuing recommendations.
    . . . . . . . . . . . Ken
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