OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 25 April 2011

  • 1.  Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 25 April 2011

    Posted 04-25-2011 23:58
    MINUTES OF PACIFIC UBL TC MEETING MONDAY 25 APRIL 2011 ATTENDANCE Jon Bosak (chair) G. Ken Holman STANDING ITEMS Additions to the calendar: http://ubl.xml.org/events None. Review of Atlantic call minutes No comments. UBL 2.1 PRD2 STATUS ACTION (4/18): AS and TM to schedule a TSC meeting; TSC to rename the new transport contract and revise examples accordingly. Pending. *** GATING ITEM FOR PRD2!!! *** ACTION: SRDC to make the programming change needed to remove the last non-ASCII character from the spreadsheets. Pending. CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK: GKH: There have been user questions about a start date for RFQs. http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-dev/201104/msg00000.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-dev/201104/msg00001.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-dev/201104/msg00002.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-dev/201104/msg00003.html TM: The issue is whether we want to expand RFQ to look like RFP; the difference is in the formality of the process. An RFQ usually comes after an RFP and is more specific; an RFQ does not usually lead into tendering, whereas an RFP does -- but this is different in different countries. Pending. UBL 2.1 DIGITAL SIGNATURE PROFILE JB: Sent out a candidate draft 11: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-security/201104/msg00005.html Comments received from Andrea and Julian (see further messages in that thread); now revising. UBL 2.1 PRD2 DOCUMENTATION PDF snapshot sent to GKH (during this call) for review of Section 5. ANKARA MEETING PREPARATION (This item was copied into the agenda by mistake.) TC CONCALL SCHEDULE Week of 2011.04.25 Regular schedule Week of 2011.05.02 Regular schedule Week of 2011.05.09 Regular schedule - missing AS Week of 2011.05.16 Regular schedule Week of 2011.05.23 >>> TRAVEL TO ANKARA <<< Week of 2011.05.30 >>> MEETING IN ANKARA <<< Week of 2011.06.06 >>> TRAVEL FROM ANKARA <<< Jon Bosak Chair, OASIS UBL TC