OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Minutes of UBL TC face-to-face meeting in Stockholm, Dec. 1, 2014

  • 1.  Minutes of UBL TC face-to-face meeting in Stockholm, Dec. 1, 2014

    Posted 12-08-2014 14:31
    The OASIS UBL Technical Committee met in Stockholm, Sweden on Monday, December 1, 2014. In attendance: - Oriol Bausa (by teleconference) - Peter Borresen - Kees Duvekot - Martin Forsberg - G. Ken Holman (co-chair) - Kari Korpela, Lappeenranta University of Technology (guest) - Ole Madsen - Tim McGrath (co-chair) - Andy Schoka (by teleconference) Discussion points through the day: - Tim - review of the charter - most of our goals of 13 years ago have been met - brief history of UBL accomplishments - "Why are we still here?" - still don't have the "HTML for eBusiness" - need for technology beyond EDIFACT - maybe UBL should be the "lingua franca" rather than the "HTML" of eBusiness - is there a value we can add as a technical committee (beyond maintenance)? - Martin - work of CEN PC 434 - directive on eInvoicing must be implemented by 2018 - the semantic model of the core invoice developed by CEN must have been mapped to syntaxes well before this date. - JTC 1 PAS Submission - what is the status of the disposition of comments recommended by the TC and sent to OASIS for submission to JTC 1? - awaiting word from OASIS - presentation from Kari of Lappeenranta University of Technology regarding the publicly-available information regarding his project about Virtual Services https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=54664 - reports from the subcommittees and task groups - HISC - by Ken and Peter - Peter presented his work with spreadsheets as a specification of mapping - the committee agreed to replace the KAVI Docbook invoice with a committee note based on Peter's layout specification spreadsheets - the group was reminded this work is useful for both print and data entry - will clean up the spreadsheets with the goal to make them part of a committee note regarding a suggested committee mapping of UBL to the UN Layout Key - the spreadsheets will be tested by two independent implementations, one from Clearview Trade by Peter and one from Crane Softwrights by Ken - more implementations will be invited for any interested parties - NDR - by Ken - Ken presented the first draft of his work on the new version of the naming and design rules - the committee agreed with the approach in the new documentation that separates the descriptive documentation of how the TC creates the UBL 2.1 artefacts from the prescriptive rules that were followed and their conformance - as this is meant to document the expected approach from UBL 2.1 and all foreseeable future revisions, it was decided to title the document Universal Business Language (UBL) Naming and Design Rules 3.0 - it was agreed that we would work towards making this an OASIS Standard - IDD 2.1 - International Data Dictionary - it was noted that due to the constraints of volunteers that not much work had been done - it was also agreed that this was very important work and we would think of ways of supporting the people leading the work - Adoption SC - http://ubl.xml.org - a review was done of the list of section editors on the Editorial Board and we noted a number were no longer actively involved with UBL: http://ubl.xml.org/editorial-board-and-editorial-policies - the committee discussed maximizing value of UBL.xml.org as a community resource and not just a bulletin board of news items - issue of content: we have used the site primarily to publicize, not to publish resources - considering the work on user's guides, etc. appreciation was expressed to Tim for having produced the first of his UBL videos - Tim noted there still is potential for more videos - the static nature of some of the pages was discussed and the committee was charged with considering how better to present the information and possibly revamp the web site within the constraints of the existing user interface - appreciation was expressed to OASIS for the continuing support of the web site - SGTG - Schema Generation Task Group - Ole and Ken will draft the approach of publishing committee specifications of extensions with proposed new additions to UBL, followed by integration with UBL periodically to produce a new minor revision incorporating those additions successfully tested as extensions - it was noted that this approach will enable the simultaneous testing of different sets of proposed new additions to UBL without any changes to the schema during the testing time - users should be able to migrate from the use of extensions/new document types into the use of the revised standard - candidates for new document types - how should we tie procurement and transportation to form a logic link all the way from "I want something" to it being delivered (bring together the two islands of procurement and transport)? - action: - Tim will take the lead on JIRA ticket UBL-1 - create a road map for integrated supply chain - take all diagrams in 2.1 and tie them together - may propose new document types to support a more modular supply chain process - new Publications Office forms - we are missing information about the new forms - awaiting information from the European Commission - should we have a multitude of smaller documents for process purposes, rather than larger documents (noting this is also a topic later in the week at the CEN/BII meeting)? - await requirements - discussion of customs documents - relationship of feeding the requirements for customs documents: - need a procedure to feed information into the customs declaration from data already provided - requirements have been noted by Clearview Trade and the iCargo project's Common Framework - procedure code, customs stock location (bonded warehouse) and tariff code are examples of requirements to satisfy - related to the business requirement for a Cross Border Regulatory "single window" - the TC expects regulatory authorities will use WCO data model as the foundation of their Cross Border Regulatory "single window" and subsequent regulatory declarations - work towards a committee note regarding a recommended mapping of UBL elements to WCO Data Model elements in order to assist UBL users when transforming data from UBL documents into Cross Border Regulatory documents based on the WCO Data Model - Tim to open dialogue with WCO to discuss our work and our plans - discussion of SBDH and a more advanced envelope - reviewed that work was done by Martin and Ken in the past to prototype some candidate approaches (but did not go into detail) - the committee decided to approach OASIS BDXR to ascertain their interest in this work item - Tim presented his work with transportation documents - mapping of UBL constructs to UN/EDIFACT constructs as published by ITIGG - demonstrates that it is possible to use UBL as an alternative syntax to UN/EDIFACT for shipping documents - Tim will prepare a document for TC to review as a possible committee note Warm appreciation was expressed to SFTI for their generous hosting of the meeting facilities. -- Check our site for free XML, XSLT, XSL-FO and UBL developer resources Free 5-hour lecture: http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/links/video.htm Crane Softwrights Ltd. http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/ G. Ken Holman mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com Google+ profile: http://plus.google.com/+GKenHolman-Crane/about Legal business disclaimers: http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/legal --- This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active. http://www.avast.com