OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 11 April 2011

  • 1.  Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 11 April 2011

    Posted 04-12-2011 16:04
    MINUTES OF PACIFIC UBL TC MEETING MONDAY 11 APRIL 2011 ATTENDANCE Jon Bosak (chair) G. Ken Holman STANDING ITEMS Additions to the calendar: http://ubl.xml.org/events None. Review of Atlantic call minutes No comments. UBL 2.1 PRD2 STATUS SGTG (GKH): See snapshot report: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/201104/msg00013.html Problems preventing further progress are noted in the post. JB: (In response to question raised in the post) The figure of 62 documents in PRD2 is correct. There were 60 in PRD1 and we think that there will be 64 in PRD3. UBL 2.1 PRD2 DOCUMENTATION JB: Downsampled the four largest illustrations; this reduced the size of the generated PDF by about one-third. Questions pending: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/201104/msg00005.html JB: These are still pending. UBL 2.1 DIGITAL SIGNATURE PROFILE JB: Finished edit of the revised section 5 of the PRD2 document. Issue pending: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-security/201104/msg00000.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-security/201104/msg00001.html ACTION: JB to remind Andrea. JB: Why is there a URN and discussion for Enveloped signatures and not Detached signatures? GKH: Detached is covered in the Profile but not in the PRD2 documentation because Detached signatures are created independently of anything in the distribution; Detached is not a UBL artefact but rather an independent technique. AGREED to add an informative note to the effect that Detached signatures are covered in the Profile document. UBL 2.1 MODELING ISSUES ACTION (3/1): TM to investigate whether we can formalize JB's suggestion to create a script or even just a manually applied formula to the ASBIE definitions and report findings. Discussion: Aside from the ASBIE definitions, other incomplete or inadequately specified definitions may lead to "tag abuse" (the tendency to substitute an incorrect tag when the correct one is not easily found or easily understood). On the other hand, a thorough revision would require the full attention of business experts and could take years. We need further discussion and input from PSC and TSC to resolve this dilemma. ACTION: Put on next week's Pacific call agenda. ANKARA MEETING PREPARATION GKH: Will be attending by phone, not in person. AGREED to request an opening day dial-in session beginning at 3 p.m. local time for those (such as JB and GKH) participating by phone. TC CONCALL SCHEDULE Week of 2011.04.18 Regular schedule Week of 2011.04.25 Regular schedule Week of 2011.05.02 Regular schedule Week of 2011.05.09 Regular schedule - missing AS Week of 2011.05.16 Regular schedule Week of 2011.05.23 >>> TRAVEL TO ANKARA <<< Week of 2011.05.30 >>> MEETING IN ANKARA <<< Week of 2011.06.06 >>> TRAVEL FROM ANKARA <<< Jon Bosak Chair, OASIS UBL TC