OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Minutes of Atlantic UBL TC call 12 JUNE 2013 14:00UTC

  • 1.  Minutes of Atlantic UBL TC call 12 JUNE 2013 14:00UTC

    Posted 06-12-2013 14:27
    MINUTES OF ATLANTIC UBL TC TELECONFERENCE WEDNESDAY 12 JUNE 2013 14:00UTC ATTENDANCE Atlantic teleconference: Oriol Bausa Peter Borresen G. Ken Holman (convener) Pacific teleconference attendance: Kenneth Bengtsson G. Ken Holman (convener) Tim McGrath Andy Schoka STANDING ITEMS Additions to the calendar: http://ubl.xml.org/events Review of Pacific call minutes https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/201306/msg00007.html Review of Atlantic call minutes https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/201306/msg00003.html Membership status review https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process#membership https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/membership.php?wg_abbrev=ubl https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ubl/members/roster.php?num_items=80 - voting status is determined by the following: - existing voting members must not miss two consecutive meetings to maintain voting status - non-voting members must attend two consecutive meetings to obtain voting status UBL 2.1 Status - 15-day Public Review Draft 4 ended June 8, 2013, and there were two messages - a public message with two issues that were addressed by the original poster and requires no action on our part: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-comment/201306/msg00000.html https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-comment/201306/msg00001.html AGREED that there are no issues to address from Ole's posts - a member message with an editorial change: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/201306/msg00005.html AGREED to update the reference in 5.1 and add to the non-normative references, provided that TC Administration agrees this is a non-substantive change. - TSC has reported that they do not absolutely require any changes to PRD4: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-tsc/201306/msg00000.html - note that the vote for the Committee Specification derived from a draft cannot happen until after 7 days after the last day of the public review: https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process#committeeSpec - Ken H. to prepare a Committee Specification Draft and Committee Specification versions in preparation for votes on June 19, 2013 - Tim to contact the companies expressing interest in submitting a Statement of Use, the deadline for submission being June 26, 2013 UBL 2.1 UML and ASN.1 Committee Notes - Ken H. has received editing instructions regarding the cover page - revisions will be ready for voting on June 19, 2013 UBL 2.1 Release Time-line Status of the time-line - comments received during public review 4 are to be accommodated - none are material, so all of the changes will be clearly summarized and reported to OASIS TC Administration - at June 19 meetings we request OASIS to run a Special Majority Ballot to approve the committee specification draft as a committee specification (CS) - we now need three statements of use - committee submits CS to OASIS as candidate standard - OASIS runs a 60-day public review - OASIS conducts a membership-wide ballot - OASIS approves UBL 2.1 as an OASIS standard TC CONCALL SCHEDULE Continuing with the dates and times established late in 2012, adjusted for daylight savings time: Pacific call date/time: Wednesdays 00:00UTC Atlantic call date/time: Wednesdays 14:00UTC (Note the Pacific call takes place Tuesday evenings west of the Atlantic Ocean) Week of 2013-06-17 - regularly scheduled calls - voting meeting 2013-09-10/12 - UBL TC Face to Face in Kars, Ontario (Ottawa airport - YOW) Ken H. noted that during the weekend of September 4-8, 2013, before the face-to-face, there is an annual Folk Music Festival in Ottawa with a billing of some top music talents, in case this should change the travel plans for attendees to include the weekend: http://ottawafolk.com/2013/ Will anyone be requesting a leave of absence in the near future? For privacy reasons, this discussion will be kept off of the minutes. TC calendar: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/calendar.php?wg_abbrev=ubl TC calendar iCal subscription link: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup_feeds/ical/my_vcalendar.ics?token=fa658a7994a6cefb10c10be09e139af3&workgroup_id=50 OTHER BUSINESS None -- Contact us for world-wide XML consulting and instructor-led training Free 5-hour lecture: http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/links/udemy.htm Crane Softwrights Ltd. http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/ G. Ken Holman mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com Google+ profile: https://plus.google.com/116832879756988317389/about Legal business disclaimers: http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/legal