OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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  • 1.  Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 11|12 May 2009

    Posted 05-12-2009 14:00
    Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 11|12 May 2009
    TUESDAY 12 MAY 2009
        Jon Bosak (chair)
        G. Ken Holman
        Andy Schoka
        Additions to the calendar:
        Review of Atlantic call minutes
           No comments.
        Revised draft schedule is at
        TSC (AS): Began disposition of issues in Rome and have
        continued clarifying the issues from FIH/EFM experience and new
        inputs from Italy.  Freightwise will be contributing new
        aggregates and attributes and perhaps as many as four new
        document types.
           ACTIONS (schedule revisions): Put disposition of issues in
           columns E and F (move TSC schedule out); for Freightwise,
           work backward from common deliverables and populate the new
           Freightwise row.
        SGTG (GKH): See these posts:
        The two schema modules CCTS_CCT_SchemaModule-2.0.xsd and
        UnqualifiedDataTypeSchemaModule-2.0.xsd reflect the distinction
        between abstract CC data types and concrete XML data types.
        Both of these schema modules came from UN/CEFACT, MC's response
        to the contrary notwithstanding.  Both are missing a number of
        supplementary components specified in CCTS 2.01.  These need to
        be included in the 2.1 version of the UDT module in order to
        satisfy YK's use case:
        AS: (Skypes the latest D08B schemas to GKH)
        GKH: The latest UDT from UN/CEFACT is different from the UDT
        used in UBL 2.0; the CCTS metadata in our UDT is labled 1.0,
        whereas the metadata in the D08B version is labeled 2.01.  But
        the D08B UDT still does not contain attributes reflecting
        supplementary components of all the core component types.  For
        example, it is missing the Quantity type supplementary
        component with the DEN "Quantity Unit. Code List
        Agency. Identifier" (see page 100 of the A4 version of CCTS
        2.01).  Since the current UDT is insufficient for our purposes,
        we will have to create our own instantiation of the CCTS 2.01
        Core Components as XML data types.
           ACTION: GKH to create a UBL 2.1 UDT that instantiates all
           the supplementary components of CCTS 2.01.
           AGREED (pending further discussion in the Atlantic call) to
           share this with UN/CEFACT for possible use in 09A.
        NDR (JB): Have fallen far behind and may have to continue
        without the requested new examples.  Schedule has been updated
        to reflect this.
        Customization Guidelines (JB): In public review.
        IDD Vol. 1 (JB): OASIS has instructed that we need to ballot CD
        before balloting CS.  Have retrofitted a CD from the candidate
        CS and am now waiting on OASIS to upload the files to the
        appropriate CD URLs.
        IDD Vol. 2 (JB): German translation is finished; waiting on
        Danish for public review.  ACTION: JB to ping Denmark.
        Security SC (JB): ACTION: JB to ping SC.
        UN/CEFACT: For discussion in Atlantic call.
        17-21 August 2009 in Montréal, colocated with Balisage the
        previous week.
        JB: Note in the revised schedule a placeholder for a possible
        Jan/Feb 2010 meeting in Rome per suggestion made at the end of
        the closing plenary last month.
        It looks like we're on a regular schedule through the run-up to
        the August meeting in Montréal, i.e.,
           Week of 18 May 2009: Regular schedule
           Week of 25 May 2009: Regular schedule
           Week of 01 Jun 2009: Regular schedule
           Week of 08 Jun 2009: Regular schedule
           Week of 15 Jun 2009: Regular schedule
           Week of 22 Jun 2009: Regular schedule
           Week of 29 Jun 2009: Regular schedule
           Week of 06 Jul 2009: Regular schedule
           Week of 13 Jul 2009: Regular schedule
           Week of 20 Jul 2009: Regular schedule
           Week of 27 Jul 2009: Regular schedule
           Week of 03 Aug 2009: Regular schedule
        For review in this week's Atlantic call.
    Jon Bosak
    Chair, OASIS UBL TC

  • 2.  Re: [ubl] Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 11|12 May 2009

    Posted 05-13-2009 02:22
    At 2009-05-12 09:59 -0400, Jon Bosak wrote:
    >Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 11|12 May 2009
    >    GKH: The latest UDT from UN/CEFACT is different from the UDT
    >    used in UBL 2.0; the CCTS metadata in our UDT is labled 1.0,
    >    whereas the metadata in the D08B version is labeled 2.01.  But
    >    the D08B UDT still does not contain attributes reflecting
    >    supplementary components of all the core component types.  For
    >    example, it is missing the Quantity type supplementary
    >    component with the DEN "Quantity Unit. Code List
    >    Agency. Identifier" (see page 100 of the A4 version of CCTS
    >    2.01).  Since the current UDT is insufficient for our purposes,
    >    we will have to create our own instantiation of the CCTS 2.01
    >    Core Components as XML data types.
    >       ACTION: GKH to create a UBL 2.1 UDT that instantiates all
    >       the supplementary components of CCTS 2.01.
    >       AGREED (pending further discussion in the Atlantic call) to
    >       share this with UN/CEFACT for possible use in 09A.
    Per Andy's suggestion in the Pacific call, rather than work from 
    scratch I've edited the UnqualifiedDataType_7p0.xsd file found in 
    D08B_draft_20090422.zip that Andy gave me.  Thanks for the direction, Andy.
    The UnqualifiedDataType_7p0_mod.xsd file is attached in a Zip file 
    (rename .zzz to .zip if you haven't already made the file association 
    in your system.  It is labeled with the version 20090513-0220z.
    I've annotated at the top of the file all the changes I've made.  All 
    the names and descriptions were copied and pasted from CCTS V2.01 table 8-2.
    Note that I've suggested changing one of the type names, IDType to 
    IdentifierType, as that what we've used in UBL 2.0 ... but really 
    that change isn't important.  Since we are generating new schemas for 
    UBL 2.1 we can just as easily point to IDType rather than 
    IdentifierType and still have UBL 2.0 instances validate with UBL 
    2.1.  I just made the note in case it was an oversight on the part of 
    UN/CEFACT abbreviating the object class as well as the other 
    components of the dictionary entry name.
    I've also added *all* of the supplementary components and not just 
    the ones we need for instance-level metadata identification.
    So with the addition of these supplementary components we can now 
    support the use cases identified for UBL 2.1.
    Please review the attachment ASAP and let me know of any changes 
    you'd like to see me make.  Once comments are addressed we'll send 
    this to UN/CEFACT ASAP in order to have it considered for the 
    upcoming "09A" release.  If we can get them to release this as part 
    of their package, then we'll use their version unmodified in UBL 2.1.
    Thanks for your input!
    . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken
    Here are the excerpts from the original UnqualifiedDataType_7p0.xsd:

  • 3.  Re: [ubl] Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 11|12 May 2009

    Posted 05-13-2009 03:18
    I guess I should have asked first if the ccl8b spreadsheets were also incomplete. UDTs are included in the spreadsheets as a separate sheet....It  seems that if they aren't in the spreadsheets, then its not TMGs problem but TBGs problem....


  • 4.  Re: [ubl] Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 11|12 May 2009

    Posted 05-13-2009 13:28
    Hi Ken,
    I've made a first revision of the UDT file you have edited. Just two  
    In the Indicator, the "format" supplementary component has an error  
    in the Documentation. ccts:Name is Date Time. Format. Text instead of  
    Indicator. Format. Text, and something similar with the Definition.
    The second question is about codelists. I know we are not facing that  
    issue right now, but maybe we could modify both things at a time  
    removing those restrictions.
    El 13/05/2009, a las 03:25, G. Ken Holman escribió:
    > At 2009-05-12 09:59 -0400, Jon Bosak wrote:
    >> Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 11|12 May 2009
    >> ...
    >>    GKH: The latest UDT from UN/CEFACT is different from the UDT
    >>    used in UBL 2.0; the CCTS metadata in our UDT is labled 1.0,
    >>    whereas the metadata in the D08B version is labeled 2.01.  But
    >>    the D08B UDT still does not contain attributes reflecting
    >>    supplementary components of all the core component types.  For
    >>    example, it is missing the Quantity type supplementary
    >>    component with the DEN "Quantity Unit. Code List
    >>    Agency. Identifier" (see page 100 of the A4 version of CCTS
    >>    2.01).  Since the current UDT is insufficient for our purposes,
    >>    we will have to create our own instantiation of the CCTS 2.01
    >>    Core Components as XML data types.
    >>       ACTION: GKH to create a UBL 2.1 UDT that instantiates all
    >>       the supplementary components of CCTS 2.01.
    >>       AGREED (pending further discussion in the Atlantic call) to
    >>       share this with UN/CEFACT for possible use in 09A.
    > Per Andy's suggestion in the Pacific call, rather than work from  
    > scratch I've edited the UnqualifiedDataType_7p0.xsd file found in  
    > D08B_draft_20090422.zip that Andy gave me.  Thanks for the  
    > direction, Andy.
    > The UnqualifiedDataType_7p0_mod.xsd file is attached in a Zip file  
    > (rename .zzz to .zip if you haven't already made the file  
    > association in your system.  It is labeled with the version  
    > 20090513-0220z.
    > I've annotated at the top of the file all the changes I've made.   
    > All the names and descriptions were copied and pasted from CCTS  
    > V2.01 table 8-2.
    > Note that I've suggested changing one of the type names, IDType to  
    > IdentifierType, as that what we've used in UBL 2.0 ... but really  
    > that change isn't important.  Since we are generating new schemas  
    > for UBL 2.1 we can just as easily point to IDType rather than  
    > IdentifierType and still have UBL 2.0 instances validate with UBL  
    > 2.1.  I just made the note in case it was an oversight on the part  
    > of UN/CEFACT abbreviating the object class as well as the other  
    > components of the dictionary entry name.
    > I've also added *all* of the supplementary components and not just  
    > the ones we need for instance-level metadata identification.
    > So with the addition of these supplementary components we can now  
    > support the use cases identified for UBL 2.1.
    > Please review the attachment ASAP and let me know of any changes  
    > you'd like to see me make.  Once comments are addressed we'll send  
    > this to UN/CEFACT ASAP in order to have it considered for the  
    > upcoming "09A" release.  If we can get them to release this as part  
    > of their package, then we'll use their version unmodified in UBL 2.1.
    > Thanks for your input!
    > . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken
    > Here are the excerpts from the original UnqualifiedDataType_7p0.xsd:

  • 5.  Re: [ubl] Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 11|12 May 2009

    Posted 05-13-2009 13:29
    At 2009-05-13 07:52 +0200, Oriol Bausà wrote:
    >I've made a first revision of the UDT file you have edited.
    Thank you, Oriol.
    >Just two comments:
    >In the Indicator, the "format" supplementary component has an error
    >in the Documentation. ccts:Name is Date Time. Format. Text instead of
    >Indicator. Format. Text, and something similar with the Definition.
    Indeed. A copy/paste problem.  Looking in table 
    8-2 it is properly named "Indicator. Format. 
    Text".  I also edited the definition field to 
    contain the corresponding column value from 8-2.
    >The second question is about codelists. I know we are not facing that
    >issue right now, but maybe we could modify both things at a time
    >removing those restrictions.
    I would rather remove them from the version we 
    obtain from UN/CEFACT.  This document I'm 
    preparing today is our submission to UN/CEFACT 
    for their consideration, so it needs to be 
    complete for their needs and their decision to 
    bake in code list references.  Certainly for 
    testing purposes I'll be creating for SGTG a 
    derivative of whatever we send to UN/CEFACT.  We 
    can use that temporary derivative until we create 
    a derivative of an "official" copy we obtain from UN/CEFACT.
    Thank you again for the quick response and for 
    your sharp eye in catching my editing 
    problem.  I'm having a difficult time reviewing 
    it because I've been staring at it too long.
    I have attached version 20090513-1130z to use if 
    no-one else finds any problems.
    . . . . . . . . . . . Ken
    p.s. I've used grep to extract the significant 
    lines below from the file for auditing purposes: