OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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  • 1.  Behavior of combining algorithms

    Posted 02-16-2007 16:37
    I promised to send a variant of the deny overrides
    policy combining algorithm which does not have the "surprising"
    behavior which Olav Bandmann discovered. Here it is:
    Decision soundDenyOverridesPolicyCombiningAlgorithm(Policy policy[])
        Boolean atLeastOnePermit = false;
        Boolean atLeastOneIndeterminate = false;
        for( i=0 ; i < lengthOf(policy) ; i++ )
            Decision decision = evaluate(policy[i]);
            if (decision == Deny)
                return Deny;
            if (decision == Permit)
                atLeastOnePermit = true;
            if (decision == NotApplicable)
            if (decision == Indeterminate)
                atLeastOneIndeterminate = true;
        if (atLeastOneIndeterminate)
            return Indeterminate;
        if (atLeastOnePermit)
            return Permit;
        return NotApplicable;
    The intuition here is that if we get a deny, then it doesn't matter what
    else evaluated to. In case there was at least on indeterminate, then we have
    to return indeterminate since the result could have been a deny or a permit.
    If there has been no deny or no indeterminate, then we can be sure that
    the result is permit if there was a permit.
    Olav has also found surprises in the permit overrides
    algorithm. The algorithm is currently:
    Decision permitOverridesPolicyCombiningAlgorithm(Policy policy[])
        Boolean atLeastOneError = false;
        Boolean atLeastOneDeny  = false;
        for( i=0 ; i < lengthOf(policy) ; i++ )
            Decision decision = evaluate(policy[i]);
            if (decision == Deny)
                atLeastOneDeny = true;
            if (decision == Permit)
                return Permit;
            if (decision == NotApplicable)
            if (decision == Indeterminate)
                atLeastOneError = true;
        if (atLeastOneDeny)
            return Deny;
        if (atLeastOneError)
            return Indeterminate;
        return NotApplicable;
    The order of the last two if statements is "wrong". If there has been an
    the results should be indeterminate since the policy could have been either
    permit or deny. Only if there is neither permit nor indeterminate can we
    return deny
    for sure.
    Here is an example of a "weird" situation which can happen because of this:
       /  \
      P2  PS3
    Policy set 1 has a permit overrides combining algorithm. Policy 2
    evalutes to deny.
    Its internals do not matter. PS3 contains one policy P4 and uses a
    combining algorithm. P4 gives permit.
    This means that PS3 gives permit, and PS1 combines the permit and deny
    into a permit.
    The overall result is a permit.
    Now, add policy 5, which also evaluates to permit:
       /  \
      P2  PS3
         /  \
        P4  P5
    This causes PS3 to become indeterminate, which in turn causes PS1 to
    become deny.
    So, here is the "weirdness": the overall result was Permit, we added one
    more Permit
    into it, and this additional permit made the end result into a deny.
    Of course, since combining algorithms in general can do anything, this is
    not "wrong" in the strict sense. It is according to spec.
    However, is this the best spec for the standard algorithms? That they
    may invert
    decisions is a bit surprising and makes analysis of a complex system/policy
    There is no real advantage with this behavior, and it could cause accidents
    for people not aware of it. And those who want a system with some kind
    of certified assurance level will find that it his harder to analyse the
    Best regards,

  • 2.  Re: [xacml] Behavior of combining algorithms

    Posted 02-16-2007 18:06
    I've diff'd the first algorithm against the standard deny-overrides 
    below for easier comparison.  I agree that the proposed variants are 
    better, although I see the use of "onlyOneApplicable" as an equal 
    problem in the example you give.  Presumably in that case, besides the 
    PEP getting a response of "Indeterminate", the PAP should get an error 
    saying "onlyOneApplicable" had failed - this is a failure of policy 
    design.  With distributed, dynamic policies, it is not always possible 
    to detect this situation ahead of time statically unfortunately.
    Erik Rissanen wrote On 02/16/07 11:37,:
    > I promised to send a variant of the deny overrides
    > policy combining algorithm which does not have the "surprising"
    > behavior which Olav Bandmann discovered. Here it is:
    > Decision soundDenyOverridesPolicyCombiningAlgorithm(Policy policy[])
    > {
    >     Boolean atLeastOnePermit = false;
    >     Boolean atLeastOneIndeterminate = false;
    >     for( i=0 ; i < lengthOf(policy) ; i++ )
    >     {
    >         Decision decision = evaluate(policy[i]);
    >         if (decision == Deny)
    >         {
    >             return Deny;
    >         }
    >         if (decision == Permit)
    >         {
    >             atLeastOnePermit = true;
    >             continue;
    >         }
    >         if (decision == NotApplicable)
    >         {
    >             continue;
    >         }
    >         if (decision == Indeterminate)
    >         {
    STD:          return Deny;
    >             atLeastOneIndeterminate = true;
    >             continue;
    >         }
    >     }
    >     if (atLeastOneIndeterminate)
    >     {
    >         return Indeterminate;
    >     }
    >     if (atLeastOnePermit)
    >     {
    >         return Permit;
    >     }
    >     return NotApplicable;
    > }
    > The intuition here is that if we get a deny, then it doesn't matter what
    > anything
    > else evaluated to. In case there was at least on indeterminate, then we have
    > to return indeterminate since the result could have been a deny or a permit.
    > If there has been no deny or no indeterminate, then we can be sure that
    > the result is permit if there was a permit.
    Anne H. Anderson             Email: Anne.Anderson@Sun.COM
    Sun Microsystems Laboratories
    1 Network Drive,UBUR02-311     Tel: 781/442-0928
    Burlington, MA 01803-0902 USA  Fax: 781/442-1692

  • 3.  Re: [xacml] Behavior of combining algorithms: Take 2

    Posted 02-16-2007 18:10
    [I did not give the complete diff in the first edition of this comment]
    I've diff'd the first algorithm against the standard deny-overrides
    below for easier comparison.  I agree that the proposed variants are
    better, although I see the use of "onlyOneApplicable" as an equal
    problem in the example you give.  Presumably in that case, besides the
    PEP getting a response of "Indeterminate", the PAP should get an error
    saying "onlyOneApplicable" had failed - this is a failure of policy
    design.  With distributed, dynamic policies, it is not always possible
    to detect this situation ahead of time statically unfortunately.
    Erik Rissanen wrote On 02/16/07 11:37,:
    > I promised to send a variant of the deny overrides
    > policy combining algorithm which does not have the "surprising"
    > behavior which Olav Bandmann discovered. Here it is:
    > Decision soundDenyOverridesPolicyCombiningAlgorithm(Policy policy[])
    > {
    >     Boolean atLeastOnePermit = false;
    >     Boolean atLeastOneIndeterminate = false;
    >     for( i=0 ; i < lengthOf(policy) ; i++ )
    >     {
    >         Decision decision = evaluate(policy[i]);
    >         if (decision == Deny)
    >         {
    >             return Deny;
    >         }
    >         if (decision == Permit)
    >         {
    >             atLeastOnePermit = true;
    >             continue;
    >         }
    >         if (decision == NotApplicable)
    >         {
    >             continue;
    >         }
    >         if (decision == Indeterminate)
    >         {
    STD:          return Deny;
    >             atLeastOneIndeterminate = true;
    >             continue;
    >         }
    >     }
    STD: start omit
    >     if (atLeastOneIndeterminate)
    >     {
    >         return Indeterminate;
    >     }
    STD: end omit
    >     if (atLeastOnePermit)
    >     {
    >         return Permit;
    >     }
    >     return NotApplicable;
    > }
    > The intuition here is that if we get a deny, then it doesn't matter what
    > anything
    > else evaluated to. In case there was at least on indeterminate, then we have
    > to return indeterminate since the result could have been a deny or a permit.
    > If there has been no deny or no indeterminate, then we can be sure that
    > the result is permit if there was a permit.
    Anne H. Anderson             Email: Anne.Anderson@Sun.COM
    Sun Microsystems Laboratories
    1 Network Drive,UBUR02-311     Tel: 781/442-0928
    Burlington, MA 01803-0902 USA  Fax: 781/442-1692

  • 4.  Re: [xacml] Behavior of combining algorithms: Take 2

    Posted 02-17-2007 05:59
    Actually, the only-one-applicable does not have a problem in this sense.
    It is ok for an algorithm to return an error, which only-one-applicable
    is designed to do in this case. We cannot force the PDP to always make a
    decision in case there are errors in policies. If someone forces that,
    then he is essentially making assumptions about the indeterminate result
    and treating it as equivalent to a valid decision.
    The problem in this example is that the permit-overrides treats the
    indeterminate as it was either deny or not applicable since it returns a
    deny. The permit overrides algorithm should return an indeterminate if
    it gets an indeterminate as input and there is no permit from any of the
    other policies.
    Anne Anderson - Sun Microsystems wrote:
    > [I did not give the complete diff in the first edition of this comment]
    > I've diff'd the first algorithm against the standard deny-overrides
    > below for easier comparison.  I agree that the proposed variants are
    > better, although I see the use of "onlyOneApplicable" as an equal
    > problem in the example you give.  Presumably in that case, besides the
    > PEP getting a response of "Indeterminate", the PAP should get an error
    > saying "onlyOneApplicable" had failed - this is a failure of policy
    > design.  With distributed, dynamic policies, it is not always possible
    > to detect this situation ahead of time statically unfortunately.
    > Anne
    > Erik Rissanen wrote On 02/16/07 11:37,:
    >> I promised to send a variant of the deny overrides
    >> policy combining algorithm which does not have the "surprising"
    >> behavior which Olav Bandmann discovered. Here it is:
    >> Decision soundDenyOverridesPolicyCombiningAlgorithm(Policy policy[])
    >> {
    >>     Boolean atLeastOnePermit = false;
    >>     Boolean atLeastOneIndeterminate = false;
    >>     for( i=0 ; i < lengthOf(policy) ; i++ )
    >>     {
    >>         Decision decision = evaluate(policy[i]);
    >>         if (decision == Deny)
    >>         {
    >>             return Deny;
    >>         }
    >>         if (decision == Permit)
    >>         {
    >>             atLeastOnePermit = true;
    >>             continue;
    >>         }
    >>         if (decision == NotApplicable)
    >>         {
    >>             continue;
    >>         }
    >>         if (decision == Indeterminate)
    >>         {
    > STD:          return Deny;
    >>             atLeastOneIndeterminate = true;
    >>             continue;
    >>         }
    >>     }
    > STD: start omit
    >>     if (atLeastOneIndeterminate)
    >>     {
    >>         return Indeterminate;
    >>     }
    > STD: end omit
    >>     if (atLeastOnePermit)
    >>     {
    >>         return Permit;
    >>     }
    >>     return NotApplicable;
    >> }
    >> The intuition here is that if we get a deny, then it doesn't matter what
    >> anything
    >> else evaluated to. In case there was at least on indeterminate, then
    >> we have
    >> to return indeterminate since the result could have been a deny or a
    >> permit.
    >> If there has been no deny or no indeterminate, then we can be sure that
    >> the result is permit if there was a permit.