OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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  • 1.  Changelog for CS ballot

    Posted 07-01-2010 17:43

    Here is the change log since the first public review:


    Here are all the changes we have made in the specs since the previous public review:

    Cross references across the specs have been updated in all specs as well the copyright date.

    xacml-3.0-core-spec and the core schema:

    • Fix typos in examples.

    • Fix typos in schema fragments.

    • Clarified glossary definition of “obligation” it also mentions that obligations can occur in rules.

    • Clarified glossary definitions of “policy”, “rule” and “policy set” so they mention that they can contain advice (and obligations for rules).

    • Updated reference to XML spec to fifth edition.

    • Clarified introductory section (2.3) to combining algorithms.

    • Improved consistency in text regarding obligation/advice vs obligation/advice expressions.

    • Improved consistency in text about that advice/obligations can occur in rules.

    • Correct errors in the example policies and requests.

    • Misc improvements in wording and correction of typos in various places (no substantive changes).

    • Corrected definition of elements <Rule>, <Policy> and <PolicySet> so they correctly reference obligation and advice expressions.

    • Made a reference to PEP bias from definition of <PolicySet>, instead of incorrectly mandating a “Deny” in the PEP in case of obligation failure.

    • Allow <AttributeAssignmentExpression> to evaluate to a bag.

    • Removed redundant occurrence indicators from the RequestType schema definition.

    • Removed note about XPath 2.0 expert review.

    • Clarified error behavior of advice/obligations.

    • Added AdviceId as part of the extensibility list in section 8.1.

    • Renamed functions uri-starts-with to anyURI-starts-with, uri-ends-with to anyURI-ends-with, uri-contains to anyURI-contains and uri-substring to anyURI-substring

    • Fixed typos which referenced non-existing data types urn:…:xacml:…*duration.

    • Reversed the arguments of the string-starts-with, string-ends-with, string-contains, anyURI-starts-with, anyURI-ends-with and anyURI-contains functions.

    • Clarified error behavior of the string-substring and anyURI-substring functions.

    • Generalized the xpath-node-match function so it can select any XML node type.

    • Removed the obsolete attribute id urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:xpath

    • Make it clear that an attribute selector may select an element node.

    • Fixed formatting of OASIS spec references so they correspond to the OASIS template.

    • Added an optional “offset” to <AttributeSelector> in the form of the ContextSelectorId XML attribute.

    • Improved and moved text about the <AttributeSelector>.

    • Simplified the schema of <PolicyIdentifierList>

    • Removed text which says that the XACML conformance tests are hosted on the Sun website.

    • Added references to sections 5, 6, 7, A, B and C in conformance section.

    • Made the evaluation context of xpaths better specified.

    • Make text about multiple arguments in the multiply functions more consistent.

    • Generalized the any-of, all-of, any-of-any and map functions to functions with more arguments.

    • Removed an unnecessary reference to SAML in section B.4. (Authentication credentials can come from other sources as well in general, so the reference to SAML was too restrictive.)

    • Updated Acknowledgements.

    • Restrict <Content> to a single child element.

    • Replace the EntireHierarchy multiple decision combining mechanism with a more restricted scheme controlled by the CombinedDecision XML attribute in the <Request> element.

    • Fixed errors in the reference section.

    • Updated cross references to the profiles.

    • Removed reference to “leaf” nodes in section 7.3.2 since this was unnecessary restriction.

    • Removed statement in section B.4 which said that the subject-id is a string by default.


    • Updated Acknowledgements.

    • Fixed formatting of OASIS spec references so they correspond to the OASIS template.

    • Fix typos.

    • Fix errors in examples.


    • Updated Acknowledgements.

    • Fixed formatting of OASIS spec references so they correspond to the OASIS template.

    • Fixed a broken bookmark in a reference.


    • Updated Acknowledgements.

    • Fixed formatting of OASIS spec references so they correspond to the OASIS template.

    • Fixed typos.

    • Fix 2.0 -> 3.0 typos in some identifiers.

    • Improved formatting conventions.

    • Updated reference to RFC 3986 (was RFC 2396).

    • Clarified meaning of the profile identifiers (they are only metadata about the functionality).

    • Improved the URI scheme with XML node pointers.

    • Use content-selector instead of resource-id for the XML/XPath scheme.

    • Don’t specify the “ancestor attributes” in the XML/XPath scheme.


    • Updated Acknowledgements.

    • Fixed formatting of OASIS spec references so they correspond to the OASIS template.

    • Changed name to “Multiple Decision Profile”

    • Improved abstract.

    • Updated all text to talk about “multiple decisions” instead of “multiple resources”

    • The XML/XPath scheme uses now the content-selector and multiple:content-selector attributes instead of resource-id. This also generalizes the XML scheme to other categories than the resource.

    • Clarified meaning of the profile identifiers (they are only metadata about the functionality).

    • Separate the “ancestor scheme” and the XML scheme from each other, that is, don’t use the ancestor attributes for the XML scheme.

    • Reworded some text to make it clearer.

    • Drop the “EntireHierarchy” scope in favor of the new CombinedDecision XML attribute of the <Request> element.

    • Added a new section which specifies the overall order of processing of the various schemes.

    • Drop the XPathExpression scope in favor of the new multiple:content-selector attribute.

    • Rename some of the schemes and the associated metadata identifiers.


    • Updated Acknowledgements.

    • Fixed formatting of OASIS spec references so they correspond to the OASIS template.

    • Fixed formatting issues.

    • Fixed errors in the XML fragment.


    • Updated Acknowledgements.

    • Fixed formatting of OASIS spec references so they correspond to the OASIS template.

    • Clarified that a permission policy set may contain policy sets.

    • Fixed formatting issues.

    • Fixed errors in examples.


    • Updated Acknowledgements.

    • Fixed formatting of OASIS spec references so they correspond to the OASIS template.

    • Added an extension point to the AuthZ query schema.

    • Fix formatting issues.

    • Removed a reference to a non-existing section.

    In addition to the above, in all schema files:

    • Fixed schema import cross reference URLs

    • Fixed OASIS copyright

    Best regards,