OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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[xacml] Not authorized to submit to elist: xacml (fwd)

  • 1.  [xacml] Not authorized to submit to elist: xacml (fwd)

    Posted 03-05-2002 05:30
    sorry i sent out this msg yesterday and was pretty confident everybody 
    had seen it but this morning i've found it bounced back 
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 15:15:03 -0500 (EST)
    From: xacml-help@lists.oasis-open.org
    To: samarati@dti.unimi.it
    Subject: Not authorized to submit to elist: xacml
    Your message to the elist is being returned to you because you are not
    authorized to submit messages to the elist.  There are only two possible
    reasons for this.
    1. The elist is restricted and very few people are permitted to submit
       messages.  If you think you are one of those very few people replying
       to this message will put you in touch with a person with whom you may
       discuss the issue.
    2. The elist only permits subscribers to submit messages to it.  The
       test of whether or not you are a subscriber is a comparison of your
       envelope from header with the email addresses of the list of
       subscribers.  The envelope from header is the value specified by your
       email system as the origin of the message.  This is different than
       the message from header which is specified by your email client and
       what you see whenever you display an email message.
       If you believe you are subscribed to this elist and should be able to
       submit messages to it, replying to this message will put you in touch
       with a person with whom you may discuss the issue.

    Dear all,
    as circulated in the request before, the policy model subcommittee concall 
    is moved to Wednesday March 6 same time.
    agenda will be circulated soon 
    again, my apologies for the late request and notice.