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RE: [xacml] Vote for XACML F2F Date, Location, and Duration...

  • 1.  RE: [xacml] Vote for XACML F2F Date, Location, and Duration...

    Posted 04-01-2002 14:02
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    Subject: RE: [xacml] Vote for XACML F2F Date, Location, and Duration...

    Great! Now, any clue about where to stay in Milan?
    On Mon, 1 Apr 2002, Carlisle Adams wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > It's Monday morning, the votes are in, and here are the results...
    > Firstly, we can trim down the choices somewhat:
    >  - nobody seems to want to meet in San Francisco on the Saturday morning (it
    > received no votes, although Bill indicated that it would be as acceptable to
    > him as any of the other 2.5-day options), so the SF slot is W(pm)TF
    >  - those voting for Milan either indicated no preference in days or chose
    > (b) (the only exception was Simon, who chose (a), but I'm assuming he would
    > not be opposed to (b)), so the Milan slot is MTW(am)
    > Actual votes:
    >  - Milan:  Anne, Ernesto, Michiharu, Pierangela, Bill, Don, Polar, Simon
    > (8)
    >  - SF:  Anne, Ken, Michiharu, Bill  (4)
    > Extra information:
    >  - I just spoke with Hal on the phone and he indicated that he could
    > probably attend either location, though he had a slight preference for
    > California (he was on vacation all last week and so was not able to cast a
    > vote in time)
    >  - Tim indicated to me that Entrust would send one person to Milan but could
    > conceivably send two to SF
    >  - I assume that Don, Polar, and Simon (who all voted for Milan) could also
    > go to SF if the meeting was there
    > Totals:
    >  - with the extra information above, we have the following numbers
    >     - Milan:  Anne, Ernesto, Michiharu, Pierangela, Bill, Don, Polar, Simon,
    > [Hal, 1-from-Entrust]  (total = 10)
    >     - SF:  Anne, Ken, Michiharu, Bill, [Hal, Don, Polar, Simon, Carlisle,
    > Tim]  (total = 10)
    > Conclusion:
    >  - potentially 10 people at either location, which would be quorum
    >  - actual votes cast favoured Milan, and I did say that the most votes would
    > win
    >  - therefore, Milan is the winner!
    > Next F2F date, location, and duration:
    >  - {Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning}, April 22-24, 2002, University of
    > Milan, Italy.
    > Thanks to everyone for your participation!
    > Carlisle.
    > P.S., If anyone has serious objections my reasoning above, get them out now
    > because those wanting 21-day advance bookings for cheaper fares will
    > probably need to book today...
    > > ----------
    > > From: 	Carlisle Adams[SMTP:carlisle.adams@entrust.com]
    > > Sent: 	Monday, March 25, 2002 1:02 PM
    > > To: 	xacml list; 'bill parducci'
    > > Subject: 	[xacml] Vote for XACML F2F Date, Location, and Duration...
    > >
    > > Hi all,
    > >
    > > Apologies for not getting this out earlier.  I had agreed to send this
    > > after our TC concall last Thursday, but then was tied up the rest of that
    > > day and was traveling all day Friday.
    > >
    > > 	----------
    > > From:   bill parducci[SMTP:bill@parducci.net]
    > > Sent:   Sunday, March 24, 2002 10:18 PM
    > > To:     xacml list
    > > Subject:        [xacml] next f2f
    > >
    > > 	is there a timeline and/or mechanism for determining when and where
    > > the
    > > next f2f will occur? are we waiting for the next all-hands meeting?
    > > voting via e-mail?
    > >
    > >
    > > Yes, I'm calling for an e-mail vote which will close first thing Monday
    > > morning (April 1st).  That is, I'll count whatever's in my in-box when I
    > > get into work on Monday morning.  Votes should be sent to the list as a
    > > response to this message.
    > >
    > > There are a couple of things on which to vote.
    > >
    > > 1) Date and Location.  The choices are as follows (pick one):
    > >        a) Mon.-Tue., April 22-23 in Milan, Italy (hosted by Pierangela and
    > > Ernesto at U. Milan)
    > >        b) Thu.-Fri., April 25-26 in San Francisco, USA (hosted by Ken
    > > Yagen at CrossLogix)
    > >        c) either choice is acceptable
    > >        d) I cannot attend either choice
    > >
    > > 2) Duration.  There has been a proposal to add an extra half day to the
    > > meeting.  The choices are as follows (pick one):
    > >
    > >        a) MILAN:  Mon. afternoon, Tue. full day, Wed. full day
    > >        b) MILAN:  Mon. full day, Tue. full day, Wed morning
    > >        c) SF:  Wed. afternoon, Thu. full day, Fri. full day
    > >        d) SF:  Thu. full day, Fri. full day, Sat. morning
    > >        e) forget about the extra half day; two full days is enough
    > >
    > > The largest number of votes on each item wins.
    > >
    > > Our face-to-face meetings have been well-attended and very productive so
    > > far; hopefully, we can continue this tradition.
    > >
    > > Carlisle.
    > >
    > >

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