OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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Re: [xacml] E-mail vote results

  • 1.  Re: [xacml] E-mail vote results

    Posted 04-17-2002 12:10
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    xacml message

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    Subject: Re: [xacml] E-mail vote results

    here are my thoughts:
    1. the reason that i proposed that we not use java syntax is that it
    will make XACML dependent upon a vendor specific language. while i like
    java i don't think that this is a good thing.
    2. describe 'java-like' -- how does this differ from 'pseudo code'? my
    thinking is you are either [fill in the blank with language of choice]
    compliant or you have a homegrown solution. the concern i have with a
    homegrown solution is that we now become the authority for the
    associated syntax. maybe our requirements are simple enough that this
    isn't an issue. i suggest that maybe we should discuss what we perceive
    to be the *reasonable* scope for this before proceeding?
    On Wed, 2002-04-17 at 08:57, ernesto damiani wrote:
    > Dear all,
    > I am also not convinced about the choice of OCL. I understand current
    > discussion implies we abandoned the idea of Java-like syntax, though
    > apparently I was off the list during the debate. Anyone willing to comment
    > on why?
    > rgds
    > ernesto

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