OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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[xacml] proposed amendment to Polar's resolution of PM-2-05

  • 1.  [xacml] proposed amendment to Polar's resolution of PM-2-05

    Posted 04-05-2002 13:02
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    Subject: [xacml] proposed amendment to Polar's resolution of PM-2-05

    Title: BATCH #2: E-mail vote to close issues...
    While generally agreeing with Polar's proposal for PM-2-05 resolution, I have concern with the fact that his proposed text is vague in section 8.1  about whether a PDP must or may list attributes that are needed by the PDP to refine its decision:
    The PDP MAY return an "authorization decision" of "indeterminate" with an
    error code of "insufficient information", signifying that more information
    needed. In this case, the "authorization decision" will list any the names
    of any attributes of the subject and the resource that are needed by the
    PDP to refine its "authorization decision".
    I suggest to amend the text of the resolution so that the above fragment will read the following:
    The PDP MAY return an "authorization decision" of "indeterminate" with an
    error code of "insufficient information", signifying that more information
    needed. In this case, the "authorization decision" MAY list the names
    of any attributes of the subject and the resource that are needed by the
    PDP to refine its "authorization decision".
    The change makes a list of the attributes that are needed by the PDP to refine its decision optional.