OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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Changelog for public review

  • 1.  Changelog for public review

    Posted 01-24-2010 23:25
    Here are all the changes we have made in the specs since the previous 
    public review.
    Cross references across the specs have been updated in all specs as well 
    the copyright date.
    xacml-3.0-core-spec and the core schema:
    • Clarified glossary definition of “obligation” it also mentions that 
    obligations can occur in rules.
    • Clarified glossary definitions of “policy”, “rule” and “policy set” so 
    they mention that they can contain advice (and obligations for rules).
    • Updated reference to XML spec to fifth edition.
    • Clarified introductory section (2.3) to combining algorithms.
    • Improved consistency in text regarding obligation/advice vs 
    obligation/advice expressions.
    • Improved consistency in text about that advice/obligations can occur 
    in rules.
    • Correct errors in the example policies and requests.
    • Misc improvements in wording and correction of typos in various places 
    (no substantive changes).
    • Corrected definition of elements