OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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  • 1.  xpath datatype and collision with the hierarchical resources profile

    Posted 06-08-2007 11:27
    Remember that we decided to include an explicit xpath datatype for 3.0
    to solve issues with namespace resolving in xpaths if they are
    represented by simple strings?
    There is already a datatype called xpath-expression in the hierarchical
    resources profile. It does something completely different. It selects a
    nodeset from the 

  • 2.  XACML InterOp notice on website

    Posted 06-08-2007 13:47
    I have added it to XACML announcements at:
    Please include in discussions etc.
    It includes a link to latest interop scenarios document which I will 
    update as we go forward.
    - prateek

  • 3.  RE: [xacml] xpath datatype and collision with the hierarchical resources profile

    Posted 06-08-2007 17:54
    One issue to keep an eye on - there are no nodesets in Xpath2.0.  It
    returns an XDM instance.   I think we need to define a mapping into
    atomic XACML datatypes on a lowest possible level when executing an
    XPath expression, probably using atomization semantics
    (http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/#id-atomization); not retuning nodesets.
    Of course we would need to fomally define mapping from XPath type
    hierarchy (http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-datamodel/#types-hierarchy) into
    XACML atomic types.

  • 4.  RE: [xacml] xpath datatype and collision with the hierarchical resources profile

    Posted 06-08-2007 18:00
    P.S. For some reason my browser opens the second URL in a wrong place in
    a document (correct section was 2.6.3 Type Hierarchy)

  • 5.  Re: [xacml] xpath datatype and collision with the hierarchicalresources profile

    Posted 06-12-2007 16:50
    Erik and All,
    I am in favor of #4, modulo Daniel's information about nodeset absence 
    in XPath 2.0.
    Erik Rissanen wrote:
    > All,
    > Remember that we decided to include an explicit xpath datatype for 3.0
    > to solve issues with namespace resolving in xpaths if they are
    > represented by simple strings?
    > There is already a datatype called xpath-expression in the hierarchical
    > resources profile. It does something completely different. It selects a
    > nodeset from the