OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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  • 1.  Requests for CS Ballots

    Posted 07-09-2010 00:40
    On each of the following submission requests a link to an email was provided for the comment resolution log. This document, however, lists the changes made to the document and does not identify any submitted comments and the response to those comments. Please provide direct links to the comment resolution logs which should note a link to the email in the xacml-comment archives, the name of the submitter, a brief summary of the comment and the resolution (action taken, changes made, no action taken, etc.) for each comment.
    In addition, several of the documents need some changes to be made as noted in the comments on the issues; you should have received emails from Kim noting the problems but staff email is still not 100% functional so if you did not receive those messages you can check the comments noted on the issues (as well as TCADMIN-187 and TCADMIN-186) for the required changes. My apologies for the email problems; it is not expected to have staff email 100% functional (as well as aliases and autogenerated Kavi / Jira notifications until Monday at the earliest.

  • 2.  RE: [xacml] Requests for CS Ballots

    Posted 07-13-2010 15:16
    Erik & John, 
    I will generate the comment log.
    Can you check Jira for the issues and correct them?

  • 3.  Re: [xacml] Requests for CS Ballots

    Posted 07-13-2010 15:51
    Thanks. I've been busy, but I can fix the jira issues tomorrow.
    Regarding the comment log, it's already done since we tracked the 
    comments as issues. If you search backwards in the email archives, you 
    will find my Excel sheet which contains all comments and what we did 
    with them. Maybe you need to clean it up a bit, but the info is already 
    there. (Also, a PDF would be nice and simple. I can make it if you wish.)
    Best regards,
    On 07/13/2010 05:15 PM, Hal Lockhart wrote:
    > Erik&  John,
    > I will generate the comment log.
    > Can you check Jira for the issues and correct them?
    > Hal

  • 4.  RE: [xacml] Requests for CS Ballots

    Posted 07-13-2010 16:00
    If you can make it quickly and easily please do. I was planning on doing it that hard way. Excel format is fine.
    Technically for OASIS process purposes, we only have to account for the ones received on the comment list during the public reviews. IT can include others, but they are not required. I know Jan and Ludwick made many comments on the TC list.

  • 5.  RE: [xacml] Requests for CS Ballots

    Posted 07-26-2010 15:31
    With respect to the CS ballot requests listed below, all requested changes have been made and acknowledged by Kim.
    The comment disposition log for these documents is locate here:
    Is this sufficient or do I have to create 8 more requests? 
    If this is sufficient, please start the ballots as requested.
    P.S. Requests 186 & 187 are being handled separately.