OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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1.1 Work Item: Ordered versions of combining algorithms

  • 1.  1.1 Work Item: Ordered versions of combining algorithms

    Posted 05-30-2003 19:04
    Submitted by Anne Anderson and Seth Proctor.
    The TC voted this week to drop the XACML 1.1 Work Item titled
    "Deterministic algorithm for combining obligations" because the
    original sponsor did not submit a proposal.  There has been
    interest in deterministic algorithms for reasons going beyond
    obligations, so we are now submitting a new proposal.  The TC
    suggested that such a proposal would not be considered "too late"
    if submitted prior to the 12 June 2003 TC meeting.
    Often policy writers do not care in which order policies and
    rules are evaluated, and so may be willing to allow a PDP to
    perform optimizations that require out-of-order evaluation (based
    on cached evaluations, network reachability, etc.).  A compelling
    use case is where a hospital emergency room references two
    policies, either of which is sufficient to return "permit".  The
    first policy says use defibrilator if next-of-kin has authorized;
    the second policy says use defibrilator if this is
    life-threatening heart attack.  If the next-of-kin policy is
    unavailable for some reason, do we want to return "Indeterminate"
    or see if the second policy is available?  Our current combining
    algorithms are appropriate for this set of expectations.
    In most cases, however, policy writers will assume their policies
    are being evaluated in order, especially since existing
    implementations that we know of do so.  If an implementation is
    later optimized to use cached policy evaluations (for example),
    the policy writer will wonder why their policies are now working
    differently.  Policy writers may also care strongly about order.
    There may be side effects of policy evaluation (such as
    obligations).  There may be Policies or Rules that the
    administrator knows are better to evaluate first that the PDP
    might otherwise try to optimize around.  There may be reasons why
    an unavailable policy should force an "Indeterminate" result.
    Policy writers may want to be able to test their policies and
    know they will be evaluated in the same way they were tested.  We
    do not have combining algorithms to meet these requirements.
    The solution is to define ordered versions of our existing
    combining algorithms.  Since existing implementations probably do
    not optimize order anyway, the new algorithms can probably be
    implemented using existing code.  Note that several users of
    Sun's Open Source XACML implementation have requested ordered
    evaluation of rules and policies, so this is not a theoretical
    use case.
    Detailed Proposal
    Section 2.3: non-normative change
    line 403: change to
      Deny-overrides (Ordered and Unordered),
    line 404: change to
      Permit-overrides (Ordered and Unordered),
    Section 10.2.3: add four Mandatory URNs to the Algorithm table
    Section B.10: add four algorithm descriptions
      The ordered-deny-overrides rule-combining algorithm has the following
      value for ruleCombiningAlgId:
      The ordered-deny-overrides policy-combining algorithm has the following
      value for policyCombiningAlgId:
      The ordered-permit-overrides rule-combining algorithm has the following
      value for ruleCombiningAlgId:
      The ordered-permit-overrides policy-combining algorithm has the following
      value for policyCombiningAlgId:
    Section C: add two new sub-sections to define the new algorithms
    After section C.1 add a new section called "Ordered-deny-overrides" with
    the following text
      The Following specification defines the "Ordered-deny-overrides"
      rule-combining algorithm of a policy.
        The behavior of this algorithm is identical to that of the
        Deny-overrides rule-combining algorithm with one exception. The
        order in which the collection of rules is evaluated SHALL match
        the order as listed in the policy.
      The Following specification defines the "Ordered-deny-overrides"
      policy-combining algorithm of a policy set.
        The behavior of this algorithm is identical to that of the
        Deny-overrides policy-combining algorithm with one exception. The
        order in which the collection of policies is evaluated SHALL match
        the order as listed in the policy set.
    After section C.2 add a new section called "Ordered-permit-overrides"
    with the following text
      The Following specification defines the "Ordered-permit-overrides"
      rule-combining algorithm of a policy.
        The behavior of this algorithm is identical to that of the
        Permit-overrides rule-combining algorithm with one exception. The
        order in which the collection of rules is evaluated SHALL match
        the order as listed in the policy.
      The Following specification defines the "Ordered-permit-overrides"
      policy-combining algorithm of a policy set.
        The behavior of this algorithm is identical to that of the
        Permit-overrides policy-combining algorithm with one exception. The
        order in which the collection of policies is evaluated SHALL match
        the order as listed in the policy set.
    Seth Proctor <Seth.Proctor@sun.com>
    Anne Anderson
    Anne H. Anderson             Email: Anne.Anderson@Sun.COM
    Sun Microsystems Laboratories
    1 Network Drive,UBUR02-311     Tel: 781/442-0928
    Burlington, MA 01803-0902 USA  Fax: 781/442-1692