OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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[xacml] FW: [OASIS voting] OASIS Call For Vote - XACML

  • 1.  [xacml] FW: [OASIS voting] OASIS Call For Vote - XACML

    Posted 01-17-2003 19:36
    Title: FW: [OASIS voting] OASIS Call For Vote - XACML Hi all, [Apologies if you receive this multiple times (as I will!).  I just wanted to make sure to hit as wide a distribution list as possible.  Feel free to forward to other lists as you think appropriate.] Just a reminder to those who haven't already done so...  If your company is an OASIS Member Organization, please contact your voting rep and encourage him/her to cast a vote on the XACML specification (instructions below).  A specification needs votes of approval from at least 10% of the voting membership, and negative votes from fewer than 10% of the voting membership, in order to become an OASIS Standard.  If not enough members vote, or if lots of members vote to abstain, a spec cannot become a Standard. So, please, contact all the voting reps you know and encourage them to cast a vote.  I'd hate to have this spec stop short of becoming a Standard just because not enough people voted! Carlisle.