OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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  • 1.  Results F2F Date Vote

    Posted 08-14-2001 14:31
    The 10th and 11th are the clear winner.
    The numbers below do not reflect a quorum, which makes me a little uneasy.
    If you did not vote but do plan to attend, please let me know ASAP.
    It sounds like a number of folks plan to fly in on Saturday to save $. Post
    to the list if you want to co-ordinate any plans for Sunday. I will not be
    arriving until the early hours of Monday morning. 
    [2] 	Only September 10, 11
    [ ] 	Only September 11, 12
    [3] 	Prefer September 10, 11 ... but 11, 12 OK
    [2] 	Prefer September 11, 12 ... but 10, 11 OK
    [1] 	Any two consecutive days out of September 10, 11, 12
    [ ] 	We should meet all three days September 10, 11, 12 
    [1] I would be interested in an evening social event, e.g. harbor cruise,
    professional sports.
        1 for lawn darts :-)