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[xacml] Milan F2F meeting minutes...

  • 1.  [xacml] Milan F2F meeting minutes...

    Posted 05-10-2002 20:48
    Title: Milan F2F meeting minutes... Hi all, Here are the final minutes from the Milan meeting.  It incorporates Simon's raw notes, the action items that Anne circulated, and some feedback from Michiharu. Michiharu, can you please post this to the Web site?  Thanks! Carlisle. <<XACML22Apr02triprep.doc>> ---------- From:   Carlisle Adams[SMTP:carlisle.adams@entrust.com] Sent:   Wednesday, May 01, 2002 5:01 PM To:     'xacml@lists.oasis-open.org' Subject:        [xacml] Milan F2F meeting minutes... Hi all, Here are the minutes from our F2F meeting last week.  Many thanks to Don and to Anne for sending me their notes (my editorial corrections/observations are clearly marked; I take the blame and will make the revisions if anything I said is in error or doesn't line up with others' recollections). Carlisle. Attachment: XACML22Apr02triprep.doc Description: MS-Word document