OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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Re: [xacml] [XACML administrivia] Non-TC OASIS Members on Mailing List

  • 1.  Re: [xacml] [XACML administrivia] Non-TC OASIS Members on Mailing List

    Posted 10-26-2001 10:59
    (i lurk on a number of oasis lists and think that we should be equally 
    as considerate -- troublemakers should be dealt with on a troll by troll 
    basis :o)
    Hal Lockhart wrote:
    > It turns out that the OASIS policy is that OASIS members who are not TC
    > members can only join the TC's mailing list if the TC explicitly votes to
    > allow this. This is mostly about posting to the list (and a tiny bit of
    > convenience) since the achives are public.
    > I think we should vote to allow this because:
    > 1. We have not had any problems with messages from non-members.
    > 2. Enforcement would be a pain, since any one can become a prospective
    > member just by asking and do we drop lapsed members?
    > At the F2F we voted to allow email votes. I think this would be a good thing
    > to vote by email. Unfortunately we did not define any procedure for email
    > votes. The normal process of calling for a motion and a second seems
    > cumbersome, so I propose to abuse my power as Co-chair for what I hope is a
    > routine matter and pretend that I have heard a motion and second of this:
    > OASIS members in good standing will be allowed to subscribe to
    > xacml@lists.oasis-open.org whether they are XACML TC members or not.
    > I further propose that we accept both votes and discussion (if any) at the
    > same time by email. If there are objections to this irregular procedure,
    > please say so.
    > I hereby cast my vote in favor of this motion.
    > Hal
    > ----------------------------------------------------------------
    > To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription
    > manager: <http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl>