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  • 1.  CAP for Broadcast

    Posted 09-20-2003 20:17
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    Subject: CAP for Broadcast

    At 3:41 PM -0400 9/20/03, R. Allen Wyke wrote:
    >No: if point A and point B are within the same app/party, then frankly
    >they *should* do whatever is best for them and their business... How they do
    >it is really up to them, as long as their external interfaces are
    >CAP-compliant - well, assuming they want that of course.
    What I got from listening to the NDSAmerica folks was that their 
    product is encoding gear for digital TV stations... and that a 
    variety of third-party implementers will be developing various kinds 
    of receiving-end systems.
    For example, as part of a current trial they've provided Kentucky 
    Educational Television with encoding to broadcast the Weather 
    Service's EMWIN data stream over all of KET's linked digital 
    transmitters statewide.
    They say they see CAP as an emerging standard that offers broader 
    capability and greater flexibility, and they want to support it if 
    they can.  They could develop and promote their own proprietary 
    format, of course, but they say they'd rather use an open standard.
    But maybe it would be better for me to let them speak for 
    themselves... they've offered to come on one of our conference calls 
    as guests and give us a quick briefing on the view from that industry 
    - Art

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