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  • 1.  Hybrid Model?

    Posted 08-28-2006 06:33

    Hi all - I just wanted to check that the discussions at the last teleconf on the "hybrid" Reference Model
    was clear and came to a conclusion?

    Otherwise, the 16 tables will become a chore to continue to edit if we don't make a decision now.

    Also, can we confirm that date of next teleconf?

    Cheers...  Renato Iannella
    National ICT Australia (NICTA)

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  • 2.  Re: [emergency-msg] Hybrid Model?

    Posted 08-28-2006 12:31
    Hi Renato,
    Sorry, but we didn't come to a clear, yes-no conclusion on the 
    Hybrid. We still have to check to be sure that the inclusion of a DOM 
    per se, is not an OASIS requirement. I am sure it isn't, but I am 
    copying Mary McRae, our OASIS Administrative contact, to confirm that.
    Once we have that confirmation, the only other item we have to cover 
    is to make very clear is that the Hybrid Model is specifically not a 
    DOM and is not intended for producing program code such as a class 
    library from an Class Diagram.
    I am not sure if that means we must say that it is non-normative or 
    only non-normative for any purpose other than as an informational 
    The problem is that there is a possibility of confusion because it 
    could very easily be mistaken for a DOM and because it could be used 
    as a standard UML 2.0 model, it could be used that way for 
    application development. I would like to use it that way myself, but 
    I don't have the time to test it to see what would actually happen if 
    it were to be used that way.
    However, as long as we make it clear that is not a DOM, we take 
    ourselves off the hook, except, of course, for the inevitable 
    questions that will arise during public comment concerning why we did 
    not produce a working DOM for the web application programmers out 
    there to use correctly. If we did not have such a large community of 
    developers using DOM-based dynamic web scripts (or, to be correct, if 
    we didn't have so many non-programmers out there using wysiwyg tools 
    that build there own little DOMs as needed, it wouldn't be a problem, 
    but because we do, and AJAX is taking off, too, I suspect we may well 
    need to answer those kinds of questions. But we can burn those 
    bridges when we get to them ;-).
    As long as we are decisive, and I think we are, we should be fine.
    The next telecon hasn't been settled.  We need to hear from enough 
    others that scheduling a Thursday evening meeting is worth doing. We 
    may be seeing some folks getting a bit of fatigue, and that is 
    difficult to overcome.
    At 4:33 PM +1000 8/28/06, Renato Iannella wrote:
    >Hi all - I just wanted to check that the discussions at the last 
    >teleconf on the "hybrid" Reference Model
    >was clear and came to a conclusion?
    >Otherwise, the 16 tables will become a chore to continue to edit if 
    >we don't make a decision now.
    >Also, can we confirm that date of next teleconf?
    >Cheers...  Renato Iannella
    >National ICT Australia (NICTA)
    >This email and any attachments may be confidential. They may contain legally
    >privileged information or copyright material. You should not read, copy,
    >use or disclose them without authorisation. If you are not an intended
    >recipient, please contact us at once by return email and then delete both
    >messages. We do not accept liability in connection with computer virus,
    >data corruption, delay, interruption, unauthorised access or unauthorised
    >amendment. This notice should not be removed.
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-849-2309

  • 3.  RE: [emergency-msg] Hybrid Model?

    Posted 08-28-2006 12:56
    Hi all,
      No, there's no requirement for a DOM. However, I would heed Rex's comments and
    that this new model may well lead to confusion.