OASIS Digital Signature Services eXtended (DSS-X) TC

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Link to the current dss core cs02 on the TC home page

  • 1.  Link to the current dss core cs02 on the TC home page

    Posted 07-14-2020 15:53
    Hi Stefan, as you are about to work on the TC's home page could you consider to add a hint regarding the dss core cs02 spec and schema files. Thanks in advance, Andreas -- Andreas KÃhne Chair of OASIS DSS-X phone: +49 177 293 24 97 mailto: kuehne@trustable.de Trustable Ltd. Niederlassung Deutschland Gartenheimstr. 39C - 30659 Hannover Amtsgericht Hannover HRB 212612 Director Andreas KÃhne Company UK Company No: 5218868 Registered in England and Wales