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  • 1.  OASIS mail list down

    Posted 10-28-2006 19:01
    Is anyone receiving mail from the OASIS mailing lists?  It's Saturday 
    morning, and it seems to have stopped after their system update on Friday. 
    I sent mail, but if it goes to the same servers ...
    Anyone know a phone number that's reachable on weekends?  8^)
    Bob Stayton
    Sagehill Enterprises
    DocBook Consulting

  • 2.  RE: [docbook-tc] OASIS mail list down

    Posted 10-28-2006 20:19
    Hi Bob,
      Your message just came through. The server move didn't go quite as smoothly as
    planned, and a number of services have been offline. You're right - mail is
    hosted on one of the servers. It looks like they're starting to be restored as I
    write this (4:17 pm ET Sat). 

  • 3.  Re: [docbook-tc] OASIS mail list down

    Posted 10-30-2006 15:07
    Bob Stayton wrote:
    > Is anyone receiving mail from the OASIS mailing lists?  It's Saturday 
    > morning, and it seems to have stopped after their system update on 
    > Friday. I sent mail, but if it goes to the same servers ...
    Yes, I'm getting emails from OASIS, but with random delay of 1 to 3 
    days. I thought that this was only my problem, but it seems that I'm not 
    alone. Hopefully this delay will disappear shortly.
       Jirka Kosek     e-mail: jirka@kosek.cz     http://www.kosek.cz
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