OASIS ebXML Core (ebCore) TC

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  • 1.  Groups - ebcore-au-v1.0-wd10 uploaded

    Posted 02-14-2016 16:01
    Submitter's message This is an updated version of ebCore Agreement Update specification. It addresses all comments from the reviewers, except for the DSIG-1.1 schema import issue (on which some progress is being made).

    The main changes concern splitting Certificate Update off from the main schema (it is an extension) and a new Agreement Termination feature. Apart from that there are a lot of minor changes and enhancements.

    There will be a later update for the DSIG schema import, but it should be sufficiently stable by now that those of you that want to review it can start with this version.
    Since there are more than a few changes, it might take some time to review it.

    All questions and comments welcome as usual ..

    I would like to aim for a new CSD (and perhaps PRD,if people think the changes require a new PR) in a few weeks time. Let me know if you disagree.

    From the change log:

    PR comments processed:
    See comment disposition
    Lots of editorial comments
    Split AU and CU in spec and in schema
    Also a separate namespace for CU
    Error codes in respective sections. (Certificate Update has its own error codelist).
    Added second defined namespace to front page
    Fixed CPPA3 reference in related work on front page
    Generated documentation is now in two separate HTML files. References from spec updated.
    No documentation generated for imported XML Signature schemas.
    Added a third CU error.
    Errors and error codes now included in the Rejecting .. sections.
    Added additional AU errors.
    Moved the two sections on XML schema in AU/CU sections.
    A bit more background on use of agreements for certificate exchange in section 3.1.
    In 4.1, use the AS4 URIs for initiator and responder roles.
    Renumbered the error codes.
    Consistent formating for namespaces.
    Added an id attribute to UpdateRequest, and a refToUpdateInError on Errors to correlate requests and updates.
    New Agreement Termination feature. Related samples, schema, conformance clause etc -- Mr. Pim van der Eijk Document Name : ebcore-au-v1.0-wd10 Description The ebCore Agreement Update specification defines message exchanges and an XML schema to support the exchange of messaging service communication agreement update requests and the associated responses to such requests. The schema offers extensibility for various types of updates. The main initial application of the specification is the exchange of X.509 certificates for certificate rollover, for which a separate extension schema is provided. The specification is based on the concept of messaging service communication agreements and the creation of new agreements as independently identified updated copies of existing agreements. The specification also provides an Agreement Termination feature. The specification supports ebMS2, ebMS3 and AS4 but can also be used with other protocols that have a concept of communication agreement. The specification is independent of storage or interchange formats for configuration information. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Mr. Pim van der Eijk Group : OASIS ebXML Core (ebCore) TC Folder : Contributions Date submitted : 2016-02-14 08:00:07 Revision : 9

  • 2.  Re: [ebcore] Groups - ebcore-au-v1.0-wd10 uploaded

    Posted 02-25-2016 11:32
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    Hello, Attached the document with some comments/remarks in yellow (not the first page). Regards Ernst Jan Pim van der Eijk wrote: > /Submitter's message/ > This is an updated version of ebCore Agreement Update specification. It > addresses all comments from the reviewers, except for the DSIG-1.1 > schema import issue (on which some progress is being made). > > The main changes concern splitting Certificate Update off from the main > schema (it is an extension) and a new Agreement Termination feature. > Apart from that there are a lot of minor changes and enhancements. > > There will be a later update for the DSIG schema import, but it should > be sufficiently stable by now that those of you that want to review it > can start with this version. > Since there are more than a few changes, it might take some time to > review it. > > All questions and comments welcome as usual .. > > I would like to aim for a new CSD (and perhaps PRD,if people think the > changes require a new PR) in a few weeks time. Let me know if you disagree. > > > > > > > From the change log: > > PR comments processed: > See comment disposition > Lots of editorial comments > Split AU and CU in spec and in schema > Also a separate namespace for CU > Error codes in respective sections. (Certificate Update has its own > error codelist). > Added second defined namespace to front page > Fixed CPPA3 reference in related work on front page > Generated documentation is now in two separate HTML files. References > from spec updated. > No documentation generated for imported XML Signature schemas. > Added a third CU error. > Errors and error codes now included in the Rejecting .. sections. > Added additional AU errors. > Moved the two sections on XML schema in AU/CU sections. > A bit more background on use of agreements for certificate exchange in > section 3.1. > In 4.1, use the AS4 URIs for initiator and responder roles. > Renumbered the error codes. > Consistent formating for namespaces. > Added an id attribute to UpdateRequest, and a refToUpdateInError on > Errors to correlate requests and updates. > New Agreement Termination feature. Related samples, schema, conformance > clause etc > -- Mr. Pim van der Eijk > *Document Name*: ebcore-au-v1.0-wd10 > < https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ebcore/document.php?document_id=57528 > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > *Description* > The ebCore Agreement Update specification defines message exchanges and an > XML schema to support the exchange of messaging service communication > agreement update requests and the associated responses to such requests. > The schema offers extensibility for various types of updates. The main > initial application of the specification is the exchange of X.509 > certificates for certificate rollover, for which a separate extension > schema is provided. The specification is based on the concept of messaging > service communication agreements and the creation of new agreements as > independently identified updated copies of existing agreements. The > specification also provides an Agreement Termination feature. The > specification supports ebMS2, ebMS3 and AS4 but can also be used with other > protocols that have a concept of communication agreement. The specification > is independent of storage or interchange formats for configuration > information. > Download Latest Revision > < https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ebcore/download.php/57528/latest/ebcore-au-wd10.zip > > Public Download Link > < https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=57528&wg_abbrev=ebcore > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > *Submitter*: Mr. Pim van der Eijk > *Group*: OASIS ebXML Core (ebCore) TC > *Folder*: Contributions > *Date submitted*: 2016-02-14 08:00:07 > *Revision*: 9 > Attachment: ebcore-au-v1.0-wd10-feedback EJvN.odt Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text Attachment: ebcore-au-v1.0-wd10-feedback EJvN.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document
