OASIS Emergency Management TC

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EDXL-SitRep-v1.0-wd23 Ready for Review

  • 1.  EDXL-SitRep-v1.0-wd23 Ready for Review

    Posted 07-08-2016 16:35
    TC Members, The zip package for EDXL-SitRep-v1.0-wd23 has been posted by Jeff Waters and is ready for download and review before next Tuesday's TC Meeting, or the following meeting if anyone feels they have not had sufficient time to review this important work. Contained in the package is the specification document in the usual three versions, a folder of all schema used in the specification and the examples and a folder of examples, one using EDXL-DE v1.0 and one using EDXL-DE 2.0. This package has been tested using XML Spy and Oxygen. For XML Tools that don't initially validate an example, a testProxy.xsd schema is provided along with an xml example to which '_withProxy' has been appended to the filename of the xml example file for use with the proxy. There is also a Proxy-README.txt file provided for a simple explanation. We hope you can all give this work a review and be ready to discuss and approve if satisfactory in Tuesday's TC Meeting. Respectfully Submitted, Rex Brooks -- Rex Brooks Starbourne Communications Design Email: rexb@starbourne.com GeoAddress: 1361 Addison St. Apt. A Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-898-0670