OASIS Digital Signature Services eXtended (DSS-X) TC

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Reappointment of DSS-X chairs: Call for candidates

  • 1.  Reappointment of DSS-X chairs: Call for candidates

    Posted 03-09-2021 20:09
    Dear members, there is a new OASIS rule that requires us to reappoint our chairs every two years, and we are due. The process begins with this Call for Candidates. Andreas Kuehne and I have volunteered to continue as co-chairs. The call will remain open for seven days, until 22:00 Central European time (21:00 UTC) on March 16th, to give others a chance to respond if desired. Once the Call for Candidates has closed, we will have a 7-day electronic ballot to select the candidates. Then we will have fulfilled our obligation and can conduct business as usual. One further obligation I consider business as usual, is to amend our charter in case it does not conform to the new process. Any update of the charter we can do in parallel to the reappointment of chairs.. All the best, Stefan Hagen Co-chair, OASIS SARIF TC