OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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Short Talks on ODF Features

  • 1.  Short Talks on ODF Features

    Posted 02-07-2021 22:30
    Dear all, Today at the FOSDEM , I did two lightning talks (5min) on ODF Features in the LibreOffice developers room Â(but the concepts are applicable to any ODF application). ODF Feature priority handling of the ODF TC I would suggest in the future a priority handlingÂfor new ODF Features from ODF applications and create right away an ODF community specification to allow vendors to already use OASIS ODF namespaces instead intermediateÂones. This would require a faster (semi-automated) creation of our specification as we started already on GitHub:Â http://github.com/oasis-tcs/odf-tc ODF Feature testing I would suggest to to use coverage tests of ODF Feature to create a 'Code Cognita' (a map of the source codes, where features are being implemented). Especially, this approach is applicable to any ODF applications (e.g. Gnumeric & MS Office). ODF Features are likely to become the new denominator. These are just drafts of ideas and quiteÂfar from being professional (kids at home & too little time), but perhaps you are able to connect the dots... ;-) Best regards, Svante