OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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Draft minutes from ODF TC call on 2024-01-08

  • 1.  Draft minutes from ODF TC call on 2024-01-08

    Posted 01-08-2024 18:08
    Greetings! The minutes for the ODF TC teleconference on 2024-01-08 follow below. Hope everyone is at the start of a great week! Patrick ****************** Patrick: 1. Dial-In, Roll Call, Determination of Quorum and Voting Rights Patrick: Yes, quorum see attendance record Patrick: 2. Motion (simple majority): Approve minutes of 18 December 2023 - https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office/202312/msg00037.html Patrick: Approved by consent Patrick: 3. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Agenda Patrick: Svante move 13 to after 4, new number 5 Patrick: Agenda approved as re-ordered. Patrick: 4. Editor's work review: Update on ODF 1.4 editing progress sheet (Presenter: Francis and/or Patrick) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J4TDjF7T62oN9Afhz1OTA6ePOFcCGlgjBF9L2xdF47o and status our working draft to OASIS Patrick: Francis - all the changes were for the last meeting - highlighted those still outstanding - no technical changes to part 2 , more work on github issue 37 and 49 need more work, and we need more eyes on the working draft Francis Cave: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office/documents.php Patrick: Francis - columns have been added to the spreadsheet for 2 people for issues and schema changes Svante Schubert: Patrick - reformatted the from letter to DINA4, the text is remaining the same Svante Schubert: ^^page format Svante Schubert: Francis: We should ask other TCs (and OASIS) what page format should be used for the future? Svante Schubert: My suggestion, it would be helpful to reduce complexity for the editors (and stick to A4) ï Svante Schubert: ^^we adjusted the margins and the page format to keep the text in place Patrick: 5. Ideas to make our TC work more efficient? (Presenter: Svante) Volunteers to prepare a proposal of an issue over weeks. What more can we do? Amended agendas: How does a reader know they have the *final* version for a meeting? Should we post, after the meeting, an agenda with amendments, etc. as the *final* agenda for that meeting? Svante Schubert: I suggest to share more efforts on the TC members Patrick: Svante - set up a shared Google doc, then copied for the final agenda for a meeting - Patrick: Regina - need write access Patrick: Svante - will create such a Google doc, invite everyone - and post before the meeting - Svante Schubert: I also suggested to write the agenda write after the meeting notes on Monday after the meeting and update a web document (e.g. Google Docs). Svante Schubert: This document must be either public or the updates have to be shared very time to the office TC list Svante Schubert: ^very^every Svante Schubert: I will try to create a document with writing acces to only the TC members, but public visible! Svante Schubert: I will give an update next week! Svante Schubert: As we have no notification mechanism of changes in this web document, we need a short notification on the public mailing list anyway! Patrick: 6. 5. Volunteers for next/upcoming call (Presenter: Svante) TC members choose an existing issue (e.g. from our working query below) that they will prepare for presentation/solution! (alternatively they create a new ODF issue of an existing unspecified serialization feature of an ODF application). Presenters might present on the next call or give weekly updates.. Patrick: sorry, I'll dial back in Svante Schubert: I have an update here: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-2093 Svante Schubert: an issue for the future that I will prepare to fill in some gaps (of our TC agenda) Patrick: Svante, if you can take over for a minute, I'm having to reboot my phone, sorry Svante Schubert: There is more info on the Wiki - once created by myself -> http://wiki.oasis-open.org/office/Change_Proposal_for_ODF_1.2_using_URL_fragment_identifiers_for_ODF_media_types Svante Schubert: The ability of a mime type to jump within a page - like HTML does! Patrick: Put Office-2093 on the agenda for next week Patrick: 7. Future of "ODF Fix Version/s. (aka target)" - ODF Next & ODF-Later (Presenter: Svante) Shall we drop ODF-Later in favor of the status of no label or DEFERRED? Shall we drop ODF-Next in favor to a specific version number (even if we rename the label afterwards - we might want to test to change ODF-Next to ODF 1.6) Last call discussions: Regina Henschel: Fix version "ODF-Later" has currently no useful meaning. It is even used for issues with status "New". We agree to not use "ODF-Later" any longer. We agree to correct the FixVersion field, whenever we touch an issue again, that has an "ODF-Later" set, but do not make a bulk change. Francis Cave: I propose to remove 'ODF-Later' from JIRA issues that are 'CLOSED' or 'DEFERRED'. Alfred: No version label until we have resolved it! Patrick: Remove ODF-Later when we touch an issue Patrick: Regina - when we reach a feature freeze - then define the next number for a version Svante Schubert: Michael: Tested JIRA and it seems to edit the label easily as editable text field! Svante Schubert: I am not sure where is the write place to document our new handling with these labels? Francis Cave: write -> right Svante Schubert: Where DEFERRED was being defined? And/or in our GitHub editors documentation! Patrick: Resolved, then it gets a label. Open and no fix version. Get rid of odf-later, next, deferred. -> agreed Patrick: Need to document, leave to the editors Patrick: 8. OFFICE-4109: How shall we proceed with the existing issue for default values (Presenter: Svante) https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-4109 https://issues.oasis-open.org/secure/attachment/11747/ODF%201.3%20optional%20attributes%20described%20in%20chapter%2019%20but%20with%20no%20default%20value.ods Next steps, definition of done? Svante Schubert: The ODS was created 26.10.2020, 18:22:18 by Francis Cave Svante Schubert: thank you, Francis! ï Patrick: Sorry, I've dropped, again! Patrick: When do attributes have a default and when they don't - how to discover? Patrick: Regina - some attributes exist or don't exist - must not have a default Svante Schubert: I am looking/searching for a list of yes/no questions to ask, to clarify if the attribute can/should have a default value. Patrick: Regina - existence of the attribute makes a difference. Svante Schubert: I am missing meta types for attributes to answer these questions. Svante Schubert: Default Lists for ODF 1.3 -> https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odf-tc/blob/master/docs/odf1.3/content.odf13-default-values.xml Svante Schubert: Our trick is to use character styles on the default values and attributes and by this extract the values via XSLT to this file above! Svante Schubert: What is so special of this attributes that they have a default value? Svante Schubert: ^^I am doing this as a regression test, if something has changed! ï Svante Schubert: The ODS is the list of all attributes in the RNG that are optional! Svante Schubert: Francis: It is not a complete list. Francis Cave: The optional attributes are documented in both chapter 19 and chapter 20 and Part 3. Patrick: Regina - chap 19 are true attributes, chap 20 are styles and may be part of a style hierarchy Svante Schubert: Michael and I might try to extract all optional attributes using the Multi Schema Validator - https://github.com/xmlark/msv (within the next weeks) Svante Schubert: Francis: Should be a full list of all chapter 19 attributes, which are optional and don't have a default value! Svante Schubert: Francis will provide a link to an updated/later version of the ODS in https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-4109 Francis Cave: This is a major issue, so we should not Open it until we have decided how to proceed with it. Svante Schubert: beware the broken link: correct - https://libreofficemaster.blogspot.com/2022/03/libreoffice-dark-mode-on-windows.html Patrick: Adjourned -- Patrick Durusau patrick@durusau.net Technical Advisory Board, OASIS (TAB) Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300 Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps) Another Word For It (blog): http://tm.durusau.net Homepage: http://www.durusau.net Twitter: patrickDurusau Attachment: OpenPGP_signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature