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Testing the syntax of Akoma Ntoso URIs

  • 1.  Testing the syntax of Akoma Ntoso URIs

    Posted 11-20-2015 16:43
    Dear all, I prepared a simple tool to test how my Akoma Ntoso URI resolver (version 3.0 alpha) parses and understands arbitrary Akoma Ntoso URIs. You can find it at http://akresolver.cs.unibo.it/examples/AKN.html On purpose, this page only provides the parsing, and not the resolution, of the URIs you request. The parsing is, as much as I understand, complete and working. The resolution, on the other hand, still depends on the syntax of the Item associated to the URIs, and need case-by-case mappers that still do not exist. The page at the address above lists some examples I invented, and all the examples that Monica listed in her mail dated November 20, 2015 (with some errors found by Veronique for which I propose a correction). Please use it freely, inform me of any problem you may find, and provide me with additional examples that you wish to see listed. Ciao Fabio -- Fabio Vitali The sage and the fool Dept. of Informatics go to their graves Univ. of Bologna ITALY alike in this respect: phone: +39 051 2094872 both believe the sage to be a fool. e-mail: fabio@cs.unibo.it Where, then, may wisdom be found? http://vitali.web.cs.unibo.it/ Qi, "Neither Yes nor No", The codeless code