OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDXR) TC

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Minutes of Atlantic BDXR TC call 03 June 2020 15:00UTC

  • 1.  Minutes of Atlantic BDXR TC call 03 June 2020 15:00UTC

    Posted 06-10-2020 06:44

    Minutes of Atlantic BDXR TC call 03 June 2020 15:00UTC
    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe
    Kenneth Bengtsson (chair)
    Erlend Klakegg Bergheim
    Ger Clancy
    Sander Fieten
    Philip Helger
    Ken Holman
    Matt Vickers
    Dennis Weddig
    Pacific call:
    Kenneth Bengtsson (chair)
    Levine Naidoo
    Standing items
    Review of Pacific call minutes
    Review of Atlantic call minutes
    Membership status review
    Voting status is determined by the following:
    existing voting members must not miss two consecutive meetings to maintain voting status
    non-voting members must attend two consecutive meetings to obtain voting status
    members formally on leave by prior request must not attend and their voting status is not impacted
    Current BDXR TC voting member list (alphabetical):

    Todd Albers

    Kenneth Bengtsson

    Ger Clancy

    Sander Fieten

    Philip Helger

    Ken Holman

    Levine Naidoo

    Matt Vickers

    Dennis Weddig
    Members losing voting status after this meeting:

    Todd Albers
    SMP 2.0
    SMP 2.0 Committee Specification 02 has been approved and published:
    Status of Statements of Use:

    Difi (OpenPEPPOL?)


    Philip Helger


    Sander Fieten

    Business Payments Coalition

    Kenneth and Erlend will set up SMP test servers and share sample participant and service IDs with Sander and Philip for interoperability testing.
    Exchange Header Envelope (XHE)
    Candidates for Statements of Use
    OASIS Statement of Use and UN/CEFACT Proof of Concept candidates:



    Business Payment Coalition?
    Received Statements of Use

    ph-xhe (Philip Helger):
    Discussion of advanced use cases:

    Verification of integrity of externally referenced payloads

    Signing of individual (encrypted) payloads to verify their integrity and validity without decryption

    Erlend will submit one or more use cases
    UN/CEFACT second public review ended April 8. No feedback from UN/CEFACT yet.
    BDXL administration API
    Proposal from Erlend:
    There have been discussions within Peppol regarding requirements for the BDXL Administration API. Sander will reach out to the involved participants to gather further requirements.
    Agreed that the updated BDXL 1.1 specification will mention the BDXL Administration API and its features for updating and maintaining BDXL records.
    Discussed that the BDXL Administration API could include a section for how to update a primary BDXL in a federated model.
    BDXL 1.1
    Starter document received from OASIS:
    Discussed that the hostname to look up the NAPTR record (commonly done as âB-[MD5 hash of participant ID]â) should be standardized.
    Federated BDXL
    Agreed that the TC will work on a framework/specification for BDXL network federation. Both Peppol and the Business Payment Coalition are working towards federated BDXL designs.
    BPC rationale is to create competition among several BDXL service providers, allowing network participants to freely choose among available services. All BDXL services will offer similar and compatible services.
    Peppol is looking at delegating control of different participant identifier schemes to different SML services, as well as possibly separating groups of participants based on their ID. There would be an algorithm that enables APs to locate
    the appropriate SML service based on the a calculation of the participant identifier. Part of the rationale is that the transactional footprint on the current SML has increased with the addition of DNSSEC, and grouping participants into different SML services
    is a strategy for distributing the load.
    TC conference call schedule
    Agreed to hold weekly Atlantic meetings until further notice. Pacific calls will continue to be held biweekly and will follow the current schedule.
    Face-to-face meeting
    Suggestion to co-locate face-to-face meeting with the UBL meeting tentatively scheduled for September 21-25.
    Call schedule

    Pacific: No call

    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe

    Pacific: 17:00MSP/17:00Lima/18:00Ottawa/22:00UTC/08:00Sydney

    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe

    Pacific: No call

    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe

    Pacific: 17:00MSP/17:00Lima/18:00Ottawa/22:00UTC/08:00Sydney

    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe

    Pacific: No call

    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe

    Pacific: 20:00MSP/20:00Lima/21:00Ottawa/01:00UTC/11:00Sydney

    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe

    Pacific: No call

    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe

    Pacific: 20:00MSP/20:00Lima/21:00Ottawa/01:00UTC/11:00Sydney

    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe

    Pacific: No call

    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe

    Pacific: 20:00MSP/20:00Lima/21:00Ottawa/01:00UTC/11:00Sydney

    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe

    Pacific: No call

    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe

    Pacific: 20:00MSP/20:00Lima/21:00Ottawa/01:00UTC/11:00Sydney

    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe
    Other business