OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Preparations for the UBL face-to-face meeting in Zwolle

  • 1.  Preparations for the UBL face-to-face meeting in Zwolle

    Posted 09-27-2018 01:19
    Fellow UBL TC members, With our face-to-face meeting starting at 13:00CEST on Monday, I am assuming that all of the decisions have been made and the travel arrangements are in place for those who will be there in person. I am planning to open the Zoom room a half-hour later: https://zoom.us/j/547975473 06:30 Lima / 11:30UTC / 13:30 Europe / 21:30 Sydney https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=2018-10-01T11:30:00 Would all members please take a quick moment to send me an email response off list (no need for the public to know) of where you are staying in Zwolle and how to reach you by cell phone if you are attending, or that you have chosen not to attend. And if you are not attending, whether you will try to call in for the opening session. I would like all subcommittee chairpersons, please, to prepare a brief presentation to the attendees about the types of business processes and the UBL documents under your purview. I understand we each know our own areas of expertise, but we have the time during this week for everyone to get to know more about everyone else's areas. Where has your subcommittee been focused in the past and where will your subcommittee be focused in the future. This may be more important than you may think, because it goes beyond just getting a feel for each of the areas and considering proposing UBL to our work colleagues who might have an interest in an area other than the area you are in. For example, if you work in pre-award, learning about transportation might prepare you to propose UBL to a colleague of yours working in logistics but not in your area. The UBL Common Library is a library of semantics shared across all documents. By getting to know how information is used in the other subcommittees, one may have insights into how to structure one's own information to be compatible with or useable by other subcommittees. Every week I am presented opportunities to introduce UBL to a new community or a new project or a new company. You would not believe how quickly the uptake of UBL is picking up steam and moving quickly. All TC members need a holistic view of all of UBL. So, after our opening plenary session, which should be short, I would like all SC chairs to make their presentations. To allow the Australians to get to bed at a reasonable time, they can go first. There doesn't have to be a lot of slides, or even any at all, but I would like some thought put into you telling the other members information about your subcommittee you think they would not or may not know. Let's take the best advantage of our time together, face-to-face. I will talk about some of the opportunities that are coming up, and I will talk about the artefact production and the documentation. Remember that because of my pending retirement from the committee after the release of 2.3, we need someone to pick up the responsibility for artefact and document production for 2.3 so that I can coach them along the way and then sleep easy when I am no longer chairman because we will know that my responsibilities are covered. If there remains time on Monday we will get started on pre-award issues and work with them into Tuesday. At the plenary we'll juggle things around for after that. Todd and I are occupied on an important call at 15:00CEST for an hour on Tuesday, then later at 19:00CEST for a couple of hours. Other than that, I'm not expecting to be interrupted. Please bring to the plenary the times in the week that you will be called out of the room so that we can plan around them. Thanks again to our host, Kees. Please send me your SMS number, Kees, and I will send it and my European SMS number to all of those who are coming. I am very much looking forward to seeing everyone, and to making good progress on UBL 2.3. Be prepared for me to berate you all for not working on the JIRA tickets as I have been asking at the teleconferences, but I will not rap anyone's knuckles over this even though you will be in reach. Safe travels to those going to Zwolle, and I hope everyone has a good weekend! . . . . . . Ken -- Contact info, blog, articles, etc. http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/ Check our site for free XML, XSLT, XSL-FO and UBL developer resources Streaming hands-on XSLT/XPath 2 training class @ US$45 (5 hours free)