OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

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Promote PlugFest press release

  • 1.  Promote PlugFest press release

    Posted 10-18-2022 16:14
    Dear CTI TC and Interoperability SC Members, Congratulations! The press release about the STIX 2.1 and TAXII 2.1 PlugFest is out. Please consider helping us amplify the announcement by sharing the following links with your networks: OASIS website LinkedIn: press release post Twitter: press release post Facebook: press release post Thank you, Mary Beth -- MaryÂBethÂMinto Content Manager OASIS Open    +1.781.425.5073 (main) / +1.781.569.5114 (direct) marybeth.minto@oasis-open.org www.oasis-open.org