OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

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  • 1.  Vote on Ballots

    Posted 11-21-2019 19:43
    CTI TC: If you were not on the full TC call this morning you missed the appeals from Rich and Trey and Emily to take a moment to vote on the two outstanding Ballots now before you. As of 2:30 pm US EST here is where we stand on the Ballots: TAXII 2.1 Ballot Voting for WD10 as CSD04 Closes Nov. 22nd https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/cti/ballot.php?id=3441 38 of 57 eligible voters have voted STIX 2.1 Ballot Voting for WD06 as CSD03 Closes Nov. 29th https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/cti/ballot.php?id=3446 31 of 57 eligible voters have voted If you are unsure if you currently have Voting Rights, log into Kavi and click on the Roster link. You can scroll down to your company and name and see if you are currently eligible. If you are eligible, please navigate to the Ballot link from the CTI TC Landing page. You will see two Ballots at the top of the stack that will be open for you to vote on. Please register your votes on both of those options. These are important Ballots. Let's shoot for 100% participation. -- ************************* R. Jane Ginn, MSIA, MRP Secretary OASIS CTI TC jg@ctin.us + 001 (928) 399-0509 *************************