OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

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Is anyone relying on ubertaxii.com?

  • 1.  Is anyone relying on ubertaxii.com?

    Posted 04-22-2019 12:05
    Hi, y'all - As a support for the full-day STIX2/TAXII2 workshop that Richard Struse, John Wunder, and I led during the Prague CTI Technical Symposium December 2017, I setup a demo TAXII2 server with sample STIX2 OSINT provided by various members of the community. Since then I've been paying about $250 / year (out of my own pocket) for hosting. Looking to the logs, it appears to be pretty much idle. If ubertaxii.com is an important resource to you or your colleagues and you're willing to take over the hosting costs, please reach out to me directly by 15 May. Otherwise, I'll take it offline. Thanks! -- Cheers, Trey Darley CTI TC Co-Chair CTI Strategist, CERT.be -- CERT.be Centre for Cyber Security Belgium Mail: trey.darley@cert.be GPG: CA5B 29E4 937E 151E 2550 6607 AE9A 7FF2 8000 0E4E -- Under the authority of the Prime Minister Wetstraat 16 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Visiting address : Rue Ducale 4 â 1000 Brussels â Belgium Contact: https://www.cert.be Attachment: signature.asc Description: PGP signature