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FYI: AS4 in IHE Connectathon

  • 1.  FYI: AS4 in IHE Connectathon

    Posted 03-04-2019 11:46
    Hi, IHE last year published an AS4 Supplement for trial implementation. This specifies how AS4 can be used to support IHE-defined e-Health transactions. In the IHE process, a specification needs to be successfully tested by three companies in a testing event called Connectation. If you have an AS4 component and would like to show its capabilities, you might be interested in participating at their upcoming event in Rennes, France, next April. Connectathon main info page: https://connectathon.ihe-europe.net/ News item giving high level overview of AS4, IHE and Connectathon. https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=78552131 Kind Regards, Pim