OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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Minutes 23 May, 2024 TC meeting

  • 1.  Minutes 23 May, 2024 TC meeting

    Posted 05-23-2024 19:40
    Time: 4:30 PM EDT
    Zoom Link: http://tinyurl.com/48n4yrzs
    Meeting ID: 850 9753 8468

    Minutes for 23 May 2024 TC Meeting

    I. Roll Call & Minutes
    Voting members
    Hal Lockhart (Co-Chair)
    Bill Parducci (Co-Chair)
    Steven Legg
    John Jiang

    Voting Companies: 3 of 4 (75% - quorum)

    Approve Minutes 25 April, 2024 TC Meeting
    Vote: Approved unanimously.

    II. Administrivia
    There still some bugs in email archives and TC management that we are working with Oasis
    on. Also, I also have a proposal to TC Admin on how to get github emails to cc: the TC

    Starter Docs
    When can we expect to get a "starter document" to begin working with?

    I'll reach out to TC Admin for status.

    Meeting schedule
    I'll fix the meeting schedule. It is currently incorrect. The next meeting will be on
    June 20th.

    I’m writing a short paper on the initial goals of the TC to provide some context as we
    begin to explore v4.0. Here are a couple points I wanted to highlight during the meeting:
    The existence of the the Context Handler; Language should have strong typing;
    The justification that was given for the Target/Condition evaluation. Policies were
    believed to be in some sort of tree stricture, be oriented around Resources. Decisions
    would first be aggregated by Target, then computed as a means of addressing XACML was
    based originally based on the belief that the primary Resources would be XML based—this
    was later expanded to included any type of Resource.

    III. Issues

    Steven reviewed the recent issues posted to the github list. TC members are encouraged
    to review and comment on the issues.

    There was a general discussion on aggregate functions and "n of" functions. One of the
    key points is differentiation