NEW! TOSCA TC Regular Meeting

When:  Oct 23, 2014 from 12:00 to 13:30 (ET)

IMPORTANT: Please examine this entire event description for a handy list of resources, responsibilities, and more!

P H O N E, W E B   C O N F E R E N C I N G, A N D   C H A T R O O M
Due to prankster calls, this meeting will use the phone bridge and web conferencing tool (also the new chatroom URL) specified by the co-chairs privately to all TC members. Please contact the co-chairs from your OASIS registered email address if you have a problem. 

R E C O R D   Y O U R   O W N   A T T E N D A N C E
Participants are responsible to log their attendance on this Kavi calendar entry. When you join the meeting, use this page to record your attendance by clicking "Record My Attendance". If you are not on the internet, you can request the chair to record your attendance on your behalf.

Y O U R   S C R I B E   R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y
Every person in the TC is asked to take their turn at scribing a meeting. You are encouraged to volunteer, and the co-chairs make this easy by providing a "cheatsheet" to make the task easy. Otherwise, when your name is called by the co-chair, please take your turn. You will use the chat room for the initial scribing.

T R A C K   Y O U R   V O T I N G   R I G H T S
Participants are responsible for the state of their voting rights. The co-chairs will endeavor to update the roster at before meetings. Except for leaves of absence, the general rule is that a Voting Member who is absent from two consecutive meetings loses his or her voting rights at the end of the second Meeting missed, and a TC Member who has lost his or her voting rights shall regain them by attending two consecutive meetings after the end of the second Meeting attended. (see the TC Process section 2.4.4 for more details).


O T H E R   R E S O U R C E S 


TOSCA JIRA Project (all proposals and issues):

OASIS Youtube TOSCA Playlist:

TC standing rules for JIRA mandate that all technical and deliverable proposals and issues be in the form of JIRA issues and will only be voted upon after 1 week. Issues can be discussed at any time. For details, see the approved proposal at:


Welcome / Roll
Co-chair appoints a scribe
Review/approve draft proposed agenda
Review/approve draft minutes
* October 9:
** Thanks to Chip Holden for scribing 
* Informal co-chair remarks
** Also, please welcome new TC members Mr. Li Xu of Neusoft, Mr. Nati Shalom from GigaSpaces Technologies, Ms. chunxiu jia from Huawei, Nikunj Nemani from VMware, Wan Anfeng from Huawei, Radek Pospisil from Hewlett-Packard, and Chris Lauwers (Individual Member)  
*** New members: expect a delay, but you will be added to this list within a couple weeks of joining of the TC

Interoperability Subcommittee Report
Status and updates from co-chairs (Matt Rutkowski and Richard Probst) 
** Minutes of 2014-10-06 & 2014-10=13: short meetings. no minutes recorded. 

Technical Marketing & Education Ad Hoc (lead: Karsten Beins)
TOSCA-131 - This issue related to all such activities 
HP Video proposed for OASIS TOSCA playlist (first submitted company/organization video for OASIS YouTube, but others expected and requested!)
** NOTE: Submit organization/company videos by uploading them to the OASIS TOSCA TC Documents section (Working Drafts folder) 
** All TC approved videos at: OASIS TOSCA YouTube Playlist

Ad Hoc on Network Features (lead: Avi Vachnis)
Meeting invitation and logistics (open to all TC members, of course) 
TOSCA-173 - This issue related to general group activities.  

Ad Hoc on Container Support, e.g., Docker (lead: Hemal Surti) 
TOSCA-174 - This issue related to group activities

TOSCA v1.1
NOTE: As always, only JIRA issues will be considered by the TC for v1.1 for validation and approval. Note that any TC member can create or comment on a JIRA issue, upload related documents to Kavi (the OASIS website), etc. Please contact the co-chairs if you have any questions. The below issues at the discretion of the co-chairs and time permitting. 
*** See TOSCA-7 (Alternate encodings Service Templates, e.g., YAML/JSON and Simple Profile)
** See explanation of OASIS document types and typical cadence
** Current "base" for v1.1 XML Spec and Simple Profile is the v1.0 OASIS Standard documents (public)
** Note however that much work for v1.1 is being done first on the YAML rendering and Simple Profile Document (last TC approved CSD is CSD01 posted March 27, 2014) 
** TOSCA-108: Catch-all for All Editorial Suggestions That Do NOT Change Semantics, e.g., spelling, grammar, readability (use for all v1.1 documents)

Newly-Introduced Issues -- Brief Overview for TC and Discussion
TOSCA-188 (Requirements section should be turned to a map instead of list)
TOSCA-189 (Application Monitoring - Proposal)
TOSCA-190 (Fix grammar for "Constraints" on a Target node of a requirement)
TOSCA-191 (“augmentation” behavior after relationship is selected in a requirement)
TOSCA-192 (how to differentiate get_propertiy and get_attribute)


The below was previously introduced to the TC. Any questions, suggestions, or requests to discuss further?
Suggested activity (time permitting): The TC (with input from the Simple Profile Ad Hoc members) is asked to briefly consider scan the list to see if it is possible to close any of the below issues.  
*** TOSCA-132 (Use "set_property" methods to "push" values from template inputs to nodes) 
*** TOSCA-133 (add material for defining a nested template that implements a node type)
*** TOSCA-134 (Define TOSCA version type based upon Apache Maven versioning)
*** TOSCA-135 (Define/reference a Regex language (or subset) we wish to support for constraints)
*** TOSCA-136 (Rules to Ensure Uniqueness of Requirement and Capability Names)  
*** TOSCA-137 (Need to address "optional" and "best can" on node requirements)  
*** TOSCA-138 (Define a Network topology for L2 Networks, etc.)
*** TOSCA-139 (Compute node scalability should be specified with a Compute node capability)
*** TOSCA-140 (Constraining the capabilities of multiple node templates)
*** TOSCA-141 (Specifying Environment Constraints for Node Templates) 
*** TOSCA-142 (Define normative Artifact Types 
*** TOSCA-143 (Define normative tosca.nodes.Network Node Type)
*** TOSCA-144 (Update Ch 6, Example 5, "Template for deploying a two-tier application servers.on two")
*** TOSCA-145 (Update Ch 7, Example 6, "Template for deploying a two-tier application on two servers.")
*** TOSCA-146 (Define a grammar for each property function and provide examples)
*** TOSCA-147 (Define grammar for and examples of using Relationship templates)
*** TOSCA-148 (Need a means to express cardinality on relationships)
*** TOSCA-149 (Create an independent section to describe a single requirement definition's grammar)
*** TOSCA-150 (Work towards a common syntax for Requirement definitions)
*** TOSCA-151 (Resolve spec. behavior if name collisions occur on named Requirements )
*** TOSCA-152 (Extend Requirement grammar to support "Optional/Best Can" Capability Type matching)
*** TOSCA-153 (Define grammar and usage of Service Template keyname)
*** TOSCA-154 (Decide how security/access control work with Nodes, update grammar, etc.)
*** TOSCA-155 (How do we provide constraints on properties declared as simple YAML lists)
*** TOSCA-156 (Are there IPv6 considerations (e.g., new properties) for tosca.capabilities.Endpoint)
*** TOSCA-157 (Can/how do we make a property defn. "final" or "read-only")
*** TOSCA-158 (Provide prose describging how Feature matching is done by orchestrators)
*** TOSCA-159 (Describe how not all interfaces need to supply scripts (artifacts), it is a no-op behavior)
*** TOSCA-160 (Need examples of using the "tosca.interfaces.relationship.Configure" interface)
*** TOSCA-161 (Need examples of using the built-in feature (Capability) and dependency (Requirement) of tosca.nodes.Root - see TOSCA-181)
*** TOSCA-162 (Provide recognized values fo tosca.nodes.compute properties: os_arch)
*** TOSCA-163 (Provide recognized values fo tosca.nodes.BlockStorage: store_fs_type)
*** TOSCA-164 (Do we need a restart lifecycle operation for nodes?)
*** TOSCA-165 (New use case / example: Selection/Replacement of web server type)
*** TOSCA-166 (New use case / example: Web Server with (one or more) runtimes environments)
*** TOSCA-169 (Resolve text and grammar for the "get_ref_property" function)
*** TOSCA-170 (Explicit textual mention, and grammar support, for adding (extending) node operations) 
*** TOSCA-176 (Add connectivity ability to Compute) 
*** TOSCA-177 (Cardinality for node template) 
*** TOSCA-178 (Define how an operation can expose outputs)
*** TOSCA-179 (Add "timeout" and "retry" keynames to an operation)
*** TOSCA-180 (Support of secured repositories for artifacts)
*** TOSCA-181 (Dependency requirement type should match any target node - see TOSCA-161)
*** TOSCA-186 (Model Composition) - Oct. 9th
*** TOSCA-187 (Using TOSCA models to describe NFV forward graph) - Oct. 9th

** Root issues for all Simple Profile work, essentially: TOSCA-12 (Basic Node Types) -- also related is TOSCA-11 (Lifecycle Operations)  

REMINDER: While a general approach can be decided by motion, specific proposals and contributions need to be JIRA issue


Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Observing Members: 1 of 53 (1%)
Contributing Members: 18 of 116 (15%)
Voting Members: 11 of 18 (61%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Observing Companies: 1 of 5 (20%)
Contributing Companies: 11 of 32 (34%)
Voting Companies: 7 of 9 (77%)