2nd Tuesday - Regular XLIFF OMOS TC telecenference (Conference Call)

When:  Jan 12, 2016 from 17:00 to 18:00 (WET)

See the private action item for dial in details



A Admin

1. Rollcall

2. Approve meeting minutes from Dec22 meeting


B Material:

1. prioritization of technical deliverables

JSON Serialization, Approach to OM

2. assignment of editor roles based on the prioritization

3. discuss Yves' proposal to contribute the XLIFF Toolkit and Acorn projects on behalf of Okapi

4. update on TMX contribution

5. update on TBX mapping

C Wrap up

1. AOB

2. Summary of AIs assigned

3. Adjourn


1 - Lo  establishing quorum - successful

7 voters out of 12

2 - technical delivery

- work on the serialization independent OM, but don't impede work on JSON serialization, can happen in parallel and need crosscheck

- specs will be developed on Git, when set up, consensus built up on mailing list and wiki (once set up)

David - I volunteered to be the spec editor for the OM

David - we need a JSON expert to become the editor for the JSON spec. We will need to deliver things such as a JSON schema http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-core.html

Discussion - we need to clarify what the standard OM means and what we would like to achive with it

Ryan - two or three object models already exist..

David - yes, but all of them implementation specific. We probably need to see what is the XLIFF OM without XML specifics. We need to define an XLIFF fragment, as XLIFF currently allows excahnge of only whole XLIFF files. For instance, as Yves said, how all inheritance is instantiated at unit or segment levels.

Ryan - we can contribute the documentation for the .NET object model, currently on Git

David - that would be great, I am sure that there is also some documentatiopn of the model in Yves's XLIFF toolkit.

Action: Ryan to post details on MSFT OM github

[https://github.com/Microsoft/XLIFF2-Object-Model, https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201511/msg00006.html]

Alan: Do we agree that the XLIFF rountrip will not break if agents use other serializations at different points of the rountrip? They can go from XLIFF to JSON and back without breaking the roundtrip.

David: No objections to that?

David: So this is a TC consensus, what Alan stated will be our success criteria

Ryan: It is also important that the new OM does not force rework of the existing OMs that MSFT or Yves, or SDL have.

David: Sure, but we must first see if all of these are consistent to start with and find compromise where this is not the case. Great that we have all of you here to prevent rework if possible

3 - Discuss XLIFF Toolkit and Acorn contributions

Chet - Summary of Oasis stand:

- clarify what we try to contribute and how the contribution will be done - main point is that the person making                 contribution must have rights to the contributed material and he must be member of TC or contribute through the commenting facility.

- if the contributed material is open source ther is no legal problem with contribution

Yves - the ACORN and XLIFF Toolkit are open source, will ask the team about contributing, will create snapshot of current state and publish on OMOS TC version control

David - no version control set up yet, will need to use the TC document library as Chet advised https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff-omos/documents.php

Action: Yves to upload 2 zip files one for toolkit one for Acorn

4. No update on TMX, need Jamie for that

5. Update on TBX mapping

On 5 Jan, this work item was unanimoulsy transfrerred by XLIFF TC  to XLIFF OMOS TC. So Alan, you can safely assume your role as TBX liaison.

C Wrap up



Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 11 of 18 (61%)
Voting Members: 9 of 11 (81%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 9 of 14 (64%)
Voting Companies: 7 of 9 (77%)