Regular monthly LEXIDMA TC meeting

When:  Feb 15, 2021 from 13:30 to 15:00 (WET)

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This preliminary agenda will be finalized by 8th February 2021 with technical contributions received by then

1. Administrative

  • roll call
  • appoint scribe
  • approve minutes from 18th January 2021


2. Material

  • DMLex Working Draft
    • dF and Simon can merge PRs made by other members after TC approval.
    • All contributors to fork and PR
    • WD template at
      • dmlex.xml is the master editable file
      • is the html build that can be inspected in a browser
      • the tempalate should be edited using an XML editor with DocBook 4.5 support such as Oxygen
  • DMLex WD Technical discussion
    • Current technical discussion on the mailing list
    • Based on technical contributions received by 8th February 2021
    • Currenrt design principles amended accoding to Michal's proposal
    • Continue desig principles discussion
    • Discuss entity relationship diagrams with cardinalities
      • ACTION: Michal and John to to submit entity relationship diagrams with cardinalities by 8 Feb 2021
      • will try and discuss png versions if a prolonged collaboration on diagrams neede a collaborative transparent editong solutions will need discussed
    • Try and assign prose writing actions based on agreed diagrams



3. Closing Admin

  • Recap of agreed actions
    • Next meeting date 15th March 2021 as scheduled, deadline for technical contributions is 8th March 2021
  • AOB
  • Adjourn [no later than 1500 UTC]




Minutes meeting 15/02/2021 based on the items on the agenda

1. Administrative

roll call:
dF, Simon, John, Iztok, Tomaz, Carole, Milos, Michal 

appoint scribe: 
Carole is appointed as scribe for today's meeting
approve minutes from 18th January 2021:
The minutes of 18th January are approved. There was no scribe for that meeting. The ACTIONS mentioned in the minutes have happened.

2. Material

DMLex Working Draft
The working template is on Github. It was agreed to have editorial team sessions on Mondays the week after the monthly TC meetings.
Members can volunteer to take part in these sessions by emailing editors Simon and dF.

DMLex WD Technical discussion
We continued from the technical discussion on the mailing list which was based on the entity relationship diagrams submitted by Michal and John.
Michal submitted a diagram in which the proposed flattened structure is formalised. Goal is to optimise processing of dictionary entries from a software engineering perspective. 
John also submitted a diagram.
Michal's diagram provides a database perspective, the universe view of the envisaged model, whereas John's diagram is more a complementing XML-like entry-centric view of the same data and relationships.
We need to bring these two diagrams together at the next level of abstraction to determine of they're compatible.
We discuss whether these diagrams would be compatible with onomasiological resources and we conclude that this is the case, but that this is actually the next level. (see also point 2 of the Open Considerations) 

It is noted that there may be some constraints that cannot be formalised as part of the data model structure, so some 'business rules' are needed, but they need to be kept to a minimum. I.e. we want to maximize normative impact of the structure and only use business rules on top of it.

It is noted that lexicography is still bound by concepts originating in paper dictionaries. It is how they are written. We should not deviate too far from these, yet make sure that future developments freed from physical dictionaries pre-conceptions are not prevented.

Current design principles remain unchanged at the meeting:
It is noted that we need to stay alert of the Open Considerations. 

ACTION Carole to contribute the document with the current version of the ELEXIS Common Vocabulary to the TC Documents repository.

We do not have a solution yet for exchanging diagrams on Github. For the timebeing we review diagrams as PNG.

3. Closing Admin

Recap of agreed actions
Next week 22 February, there will be an experimental sessions for editors. If interested, email Simon snd dF
Editors' output to be veriefied in the next TC meeting
Next meeting date 15th March 2021 as scheduled, deadline for technical contributions is 8th March 2021

The meeting was adjourned at 1445 UTC

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 8 of 13 (61%)
Voting Members: 8 of 8 (100%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 4 of 8 (50%)
Voting Companies: 4 of 4 (100%)