PKCS11 Technical Committee Meeting

When:  Mar 30, 2016 from 13:00 to 14:00 (PT)
Associated with  OASIS PKCS 11 TC

Contact Valerie Fenwick or Bob Relyea for dialin information

PKCS 11 TC weekly concall

1 Roll call
2 Review / approval of the agenda
3 Review of previous meeting minutes (March 16 , 2016)
4 Old Business

    Errata Process update

Header files
    Should we use github? or something to track edits? wiki?


    Dina: TLS 1.X text improvements
    Dina: DSA text improvements, new mechanism
    HMAC general mechanism. Signature length of 0. Issue closed
    SHA3/Shake - Bob R
    ChaCha20 - Chris Z
    Poly1305 - Chris Z
    ECDH Key Derivation - Christian
    EncryptCancel, DigestCancel, etc - Valerie
    C_GenerateRandom - needs owner
    C_renameToken, ChangeLabel and/or ClearTOken - Oracle
    CKA_UUID - Oracle
    Associating Attributes to Wrapped Keys - Graham S.
    AEAD - Message Based Encryption Functions (BobR)
    AES GCM proposal (Bob R)
    Extending Function table (Bob R)
    Forking (remove fork behaviour from standard, add fork_safe flag) - needs owner
    C_LoginUser (Hai-May)
    KMIP mappings - needs owner

NIST CMVP Feedback - Bob R.

Topics for next call

6 New Business

7 Review Action Items
8 Adjourn





Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 17 of 57 (29%)
Voting Members: 12 of 13 (92%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 8 of 22 (36%)
Voting Companies: 5 of 6 (83%)