TAB Conference Call

When:  Feb 20, 2004 from 10:00 to 12:00 (PT)
Associated with  Technical Advisory Board (TAB)
Description: Phone Number Provided by Derek/HP. Toll Free: 866-639-4728 User Paid: +1 574-948-0376 Code: 4471335#

Agenda: Proposed Agenda 0) Roll call, minute-taker (Chet) 1) 2/6 Minutes approval: Public and private versions from Were 1/09 Minutes approved? 2/06 minutes reflect that only notes from 1/23 meeting were approved. Public version from Private version from plus changes noted in 2) General Announcements (if any) 3) OASIS Board of Directors Report (Eduardo) Report on this week's Board Meeting 4) OASIS Staff Report (Karl) 5) Review status of Action Items (Pete) 6) Subcommittee Status Reports 6a) Quality SC (Bill) Status of remaining recommendations: Technical Guidance Recommendation Object Naming Guidelines Document Templates (new item) 6b) Conceptual Model SC (Krishna) 6c) Symposium SC (Chet) Logistics status (Dee) Program completion; current draft at Action Items at 7) Old Business None. 8) New Business Comments on Document Management Requirements: Next TAB Meeting: March 5, 2004.



Achieved quorum: true
Counts toward voter eligibility: false

Individual Attendance
  • Members: 10 of 14 (71%)
  • Voting Members: 5 of 10 (50%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance
  • Companies: 10 of 10 (100%)
  • Voting Companies: 5 of 10 (50%)

Quorum rule: 51% of voting members