4th Tuesday - Regular XLIFF OMOS TC telecenference

When:  Feb 23, 2016 from 17:00 to 18:00 (WET)

See the private action item for dial in details



A Admin

1. Rollcall

2. Approve meeting minutes from Feb 9


B Material:

1. technical deliverables

wiki location: https://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff-omos/

Patrik did not start gardening the wiki.

dF report on spec git request:


Reopened, dF in touch with Chet and Robin.

Robin is working on making OASIS open repositories on github.com


Interestimgly only Non-Assertion and RF on Limited TCs will be able to govern on OASIS open repositorz on github. This means XLIFF OMOS TC qualifies, XLIFF TC does not. Still XLIFF TC members could work on relevant projects through XLIFF OMOS repos, just that formally those repos would be owned by XLIFF OMOS.

After the open repositories are available, the TC Admin will work on making github available also for committee specificytion work. Issues are not exppected and we agreed that XLIFF OMOS can work on wiki only until github becomes availavle for committee work.

a. JSON Serialization

Working list discussion? Wiki work?

Ryan did not provide a counter-example, we need to table this until more wiki work done. Also do post on the mailing list..

b. Approach to OM

Working list discussion? Wiki work?

Alan did not send the disertation to the list. Alan sent the disseration to dF to be fwd onto the working list, dD did same.

However, Chet notified dF on a possible legal issue. The dissertation needs submiited by a license holder (ideally the copyright owner herself).

Alan says BYU is no longer in touch with the student, but BYU students are supposed to grant a sufficient license to BYU.

AI: Alan to investigate if BYU (Alan) have sufficient title to submit the dissertation to the working list and confirm same on the mailing list.


c. TBX Basic Mapping

Tabled until TC Git resolved. Alan reports that one of the authors (James Hayes) of the mapping will leave BYU soon.

Alan as a BYU co-author of the mapping will submit the published paper with the mapping as a member contribution to the TC document library. So the TC will not have an issue with publishing the mapping as an OASIS standard.

2. assignment of editor roles for the technical deliverables

Tabled until work done on wiki.

3. update on TMX contribution - none so far

dF pinged Jamie, no response

4. Liaisons

ARIP TC, XLIFF TC, TBX Steering Committee,

dF updated the liaison section https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff-omos/index.php?num_items=2#tc-liaisons

6. Promotion

CFP for 5th FEISGILTT 2016, 7th XLIFF Symposium, 1st TMX Symposium 


Still open


C Wrap up

1. AOB

2. Summary of AIs assigned

Alan to find out about BYU title to the disseration and confirm on the mailing list

Alan to contribute the published paper with XLIFF TBX mapping to the TC Document library

Patrik to create initial wiki structure

Ryan to submit counter example of JSON representation to the wiki




A Admin

1. Rollcall

Quorum achieved 6 oiut of 11 voters

2. Approve meeting minutes from Feb 9


Loïc seconds, no dissent, minutes approved

B Material:

1. technical deliverables

wiki location: https://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff-omos/

Patrik did not start gardening the wiki.

spec git request


Reopened, dF in touch with Chet and Robin

a. JSON Serialization

Working list discussion? Wiki work?

Ryan did not provide a counter-example

b. Approach to OM

Working list discussion? Wiki work?

Alan did not send the disertation to the list.

c. TBX Basic Mapping

Tabled until TC Git resolved

2. assignment of editor roles for the technical deliverables

Tabled until work done on wiki.

3. update on TMX contribution - none so far

dF pinged Jamie, no response

4. Liaisons

ARIP TC, XLIFF TC, TBX Steering Committee,

Peniding action for dF, To update the liaison section on the group home

6. Promotion

CFP for 5th FEISGILTT 2016, 7th XLIFF Symposium, 1st TMX Symposium 


Still open


C Wrap up

1. AOB

2. Summary of AIs assigned

3. Adjourn

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 8 of 18 (44%)
Voting Members: 8 of 10 (80%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 8 of 14 (57%)
Voting Companies: 8 of 8 (100%)